Below you will find every single race that can be found in Coto de Caza, based on the cities covered by the respective agencies. Not all candidates may be on your ballot, but every candidate on your ballot will be here.

If you don’t see a race or a candidate on here that you expected to, it may be the seat is unopposed and not on the ballot.

Click the “+” next to each name to learn more about the candidates.

Coto de Caza

  • Candidate for Capo USD Trustee Area 1

    Campaign Website:

    On her website, she lists some of her successes during her time in this seat. She includes in that list:  

    • “Established an in-house/on-line Family Resource Center to better serve students and busy families”

    • “Added counselors in Elementary Schools and College and Career Specialists at all High Schools”

    • “Launched Junior ROTC and Seal of Civic Engagement opportunities for all students”

    In her ‘about me’, she says, “I remain steadfast in my commitment to enhancing the strength of our schools, promoting continued growth in student opportunities, securing the health and welfare for all students and safeguarding our investments in our homes and neighborhoods. I would be humbled and honored to be able to continue this work”

    You can find Amy’s Candidate Statement here.  In it, she references how she “Championed more consistent communication through updated online services, coffee chats, and community town halls” Read the full statement at the link. 

    Hanacek voted AGAINST Forced Outing Policies in October 2023. See our video of the final vote and reaction here

    Social Media: 



    Twitter: Not Found

    On instagram, this candidate follows: 

    *** The majority of accounts she follows are Capo USD School accounts

    Endorsed by: 

    The extremist group, “Informed Parents of Capo USD” has been running an intense smear campaign against Amy Hanacek for years now, ramping up during this election.  Their recent attack has been a website, ‘Amy’s Tweets’ They’ve labeled this as evidence of her “radical lefitsm” - but the reality, when actually examining the things they share, doesn’t really line up with that narrative.  For example, they’ve shared a tweet where she spoke favorably of Joe Biden and another where she retweeted OC Supervisor Katrina Foley’s post on where to find COVID vaccines as evidence of her ‘radical leftist ideology’, which has left some of us here at Pride at the Pier rather puzzled. Hanacek ended up deleting her Twitter account in the face of the attacks. 

    In another example, they reference how she retweeted Senator Elizabeth Warren’s post about how to access student loan forgiveness, with the caption, “Did you know that Amy Hanacek is a huge fan of Pocahontas?!?! No, not the Disney animated film - the liberal, non-Indian Senator from Massachusetts one. In all seriousness though, how can Amy claim on her campaign website in big bold letters that she has “SOUND JUDGEMENT” and a “proven record of conserving and carefully spending our precious resources” but also support forgiving all student debt. The debate on whether student debt forgiveness is fair for those that actually paid for college aside (spoiler alert - it’s not!), it’s BASIC economics - this policy would drive further INFLATION by basically just printing more money. Amy will run CUSD into the ground if we don’t GET HER OUT”. 

    It would appear that Informed Parents of Capo USD and their partner page CUSD Area One are trying to influence the election by branding Hanacek as a “radical leftist” without any solid evidence of that claim. Both organizations are endorsing Jennifer Adnams, who has also been endorsed by Moms for Liberty and The Heritage Foundation’s 501(c)4 branch, Heritage Action. 


    • Hanacek voted against Forced Outing Policies in 2023.  Read about it here, here, or here.

    • The OC Register asked Amy a few questions.  Among these, they asked, “California has a new law, set to go into effect in 2025, that prohibits districts from enforcing what’s been called parental notification policies, rules for school employees to contact parents if their child may be changing their gender identity. What do you see as the role of parents in education? Is there a limitation? (Please limit your answer to 200 words or less.)”

    Hanacek replied, “As an engaged parent myself, I am 100% supportive of parents and guardians having an active and proactive partnership role in their child’s education. CUSD is one of the top-performing school districts in the state, and that is due to high-quality teachers, amazing students and a very high level of engaged parents. On any given school day across this district, parents are on campus, in the classrooms, helping in the library, helping wherever there is a need. Parents are a child’s first teacher, and whether they can be physically present on campus or not, our educators value and respect this partnership and always facilitate multiple ways to keep communication and information open and ongoing. It’s imperative that all parents understand their rights and be empowered to exercise them; that’s why the board requested that all pertaining policies be easily accessible on our website and teachers, staff and principals always maintain an open-door policy.”

    • Read about a philanthropy event she was involved in here

    • When transgender teacher Flint (who used they/them pronouns at the time of the article but now uses he/him pronouns) was targeted by violent, far-right, anti-LGBTQ extremists within the community, Picket Fence Media reported on Hanacek’s comments; “The hate and horrific rhetoric that has been building against our LGBTQ students, a respected educator and now the superintendent and district office obviously triggered a person, persons or group to threaten to kill children,” Hanacek said. “The narrative appears to now be evolving. You can spin things all you want but, at the end of the day, some folks are using children and schools to fight some kind of culture war.” Data shows too many young people are suffering hate and intolerance, Hanacek said.  “We continue to have anti-bias training for all teachers, staff, coaches, etc. and support all additional training that support students—signs of suicide, etc.,” Hanacek said. “We support all programs that support cultural awareness, conflict resolution, etc.—like No Place for Hate.”

    Follow the Money: 

    As of 9.21.2024, Hanacek had raised $27,199.80. A significant number of those donations came from school faculty, library professionals, and local community members.

  • Candidate for Capo USD Trustee Area 1

    Her campaign website says “As your trustee my commitment is to get political agendas out of the classroom and get back to excellence in education.”  She’s made clear at campaign events that when she says ‘political agendas’ she’s talking about inclusive policies for marginalized communities. 

    At “Freedom Night”, a campaign event held at Calvary Chapel South OC, she made her stances on LGBTQ+ issues clear.  Here’s some of the things she said; 

    “We’ve seen a slow infiltration of our schools”.  She calls Forced Outing Policies “simple, common sense”.  She spoke about the 2023 CUSD board meeting where hundreds of people came out to protest against the forced outing policy agenda item, referencing the many students who came out to speak against the item - “broken kids were stirred up, lined up, given scripts”.  

    Adnams, when asked why she chose to run, said that God called her to run. 

    “For me, the biggest concern is (...) there’s too many political agendas (...) we’ve been infiltrated by political agendas”. “Little by little, they’re creeping in.”

    She highlighted her perspective about “this idea that every human being is the oppressed or the oppressor (...) it’s in the classroom”. 

    When asked how she can help teachers in CUSD, Adnams answered “This is the journey the Lord has had me on (...) I want to hear from teachers”.  She went on to suggest that teachers are being forced to promote political agendas. 

    On AB 1955, Adnams said - “We can’t change Sacramento law, but (...) we can push back on this. (Boards that have fought AB 1955) have fired superintendents (...) We’re watching, we have to be strategic”. 

    On discipline, Adnams said, “We have bad discipline policies (...) they decided discipline policies are racist.  (...) The amazing thing about a school board (...) this is an opportunity to change the classroom”. 

    Adnams went on to say, “As a Christian, it’s hard to separate my answers (about policy) from my love for the Lord. (...) I don’t want schools and teachers to get in the way of the parents. It’s really about the parent.” 

    She concluded, when asked about her takeaways, “I want the Kingdom of God to move forward”. 

    Adnams follows many anti-LGBTQ extremists on IG: 

    • Gays Against Groomers

    • Moms For Liberty

    • Manuk Grigoryan (leader of violent hate group Leave Our Kids Alone)

    • Turning Point USA

    • Joseph Komrosky (ousted Temecula Valley USD Trustee)

    • Informed Parents of Shasta County 

    • Patty Cabada (extreme anti-LGBTQ activist in SoCal)

    • Bill Essayli (Extremist CA Legislator from the IE who has championed forced outing policies)

    • Family Research Council

    • Moms For America

    • Save California

    • California Policy Center

    Adnams has raised over $55K in campaign donations. 

    • $500 came from Shawn Steel Law Firm Inc (the husband of Michelle Steel, anti-LGBTQ Congresswoman)

    • $1550 came from Brian Maryott, former legislative candidate whose campaign website says “As your Congressman, I will fight against the divisive dogma of Critical Race Theory and its inclusion in our education curriculum. This defeatist and poisonous agenda is harmful to every child – regardless of racial or ethnic background. Also damaging is the growing tendency for schools to aggressively insert themselves into the challenge of gender related issues. Let’s get back to basics and ask teachers to teach our children – and allow parents to raise them.”

    • $1,000 came from an unnamed donor from Cross Psychological Care, Inc., who has donated to several anti-LGBTQ candidates in OC.

    • Received $800 from Pamela Cutrone, the National Director of Gateways to Better Education, an organization that works to “help educators teach about the Bible and Christianity as it relates to the curriculum”. 

    • Received $5,402.60 in the form of in-kind donations (slate cards) from 1962 PAC, a new Orange County PAC functioning through the Lincoln Club of Orange County. The PAC describes its mission as “1962PAC launched to defend Orange County values and our way of life in 2022 and beyond”.

    Jennifer Adnams is endorsed by Moms For Liberty

    Was an advertised speaker at a Heritage Foundation event in Laguna Niguel called a “Parental Empowerment Event”

    Endorsed by the OC GOP

    Endorsed by the anti-LGBTQ OC Board of Education Trustees and Orange County Department of Education Superintendent

    Endorsed by Reform CA

    Endorsed by Calvary Chapel

    Endorsed by “Nancy’s Picks”, who says about her: AREA 1 cover Dana Point, Capo Beach, So SJC and western strip of San Clemente. Comments: JENNIFER ADNAMS has been an educator for 30 yr (her hubs teaches in CUSD, too, for almost 30 yrs).  Of course, she wants a quality, safe education for every student. But, she is also concerned about the “POLITICAL AGENDAS” in schools. Her priorities are for increased transparency between parents, teachers, and the school board, to ensure money goes directly to classrooms (not wasteful bureaucracy), and to bring common-sense discipline policies to classrooms. 

  • Michael Parham

    Candidate for Capo USD Trustee Area 2

    Campaign Website:

    The website says: “Michael and his wife believe strongly in the value that quality public education can bring to each family, and to society, as a whole. Michael believes that parental rights must be at the forefront of key decisions, and that each child deserves an equal opportunity to succeed.”

    “He served as PTA President for a year and then successfully ran for a seat on the IUSD School Board, where he served three consecutive terms (2004-1016), and was twice elected President.   Michael’s leadership in IUSD expanded the reputation of excellence in Irvine while saving taxpayers over $20 Million through many cost savings initiatives. Michael received, on behalf of IUSD, the prestigious District Leadership Award at the Green California Schools Summit & Exposition in 2009.”

    Per his campaign website: 

    • Two kids entering district entering elementary school, so he has a vested interest in the district

    • Implemented CUSD Cares to help with monitoring student mental health

    • Helped facilitate adoption of new math curriculum which allows students to take more challenging math classes

    •  Helped CUSD teachers and staff enter new collective bargaining agreement

    Candidate Statement:

    • “Having spent a career conducting financial audits, I take the stewardship of your tax dollars very seriously. I will always insist on financial accountability and transparency, and will make sure your tax dollars get to the classroom where they belong.”

    • “Among other accomplishments, our board and new superintendent provided greater continuity and financial stewardship by working with our teachers and staff to enter into a multi-year collective bargaining agreement for the first time in recent memory.”

    • “Under my leadership, CUSD adopted a math curriculum that allows more students to access rigorous math courses.”

    • “We also implemented "CUSD Cares," a comprehensive effort to monitor student mental health and intervene with those who are struggling. These activities are all critically important to the learning environment.”

    Social Media: 




    On instagram, this candidate follows: 

    •  Follows local school accounts and accounts for school sports

    •  Follows district accounts (district and student advisor accounts)

    •  Follows local newspapers

    •  Follows Orange County Department of Education

    Endorsed by: 

    • Teachers (will not take union money) -  endorsement posted on Instagram

    • None listed on website


    The OC Register asked Michael a few questions.  Among these, they asked, “California has a new law, set to go into effect in 2025, that prohibits districts from enforcing what’s been called parental notification policies, rules for school employees to contact parents if their child may be changing their gender identity. What do you see as the role of parents in education? Is there a limitation? (Please limit your answer to 200 words or less.)”

    Parham replied, “Parents have an extremely important role in the education of their child. Communication within the family unit, as well as communication with a child’s teacher and staff, is always helpful and makes the system thrive. There are always exceptions to the rule, and in this case, teachers and staff must put the physical safety of a child out in front — in those situations where the child is scared of the parent and/or there is reason to believe the child may be physically harmed by anyone, including their own parent, the teacher and staff have an obligation to protect the child”.

    Follow the Money:

    • His donations are primarily small donations (grassroots donations including by library employees)

    • He has made donations to his own campaign

    • According to his filing, he has been true to his word regarding not taking union money

    • Expenditures: payments made are all typical campaign vendors

    • Total raised: $38,983 -  mostly small grassroots donations or  larger campaign donations to himself

  • Candidate for Capo USD Trustee Area 2

    Her campaign website says “Academics Over Agendas - Focus on academic excellence and remove political agendas from the classroom”.  She’s made clear at campaign events that when she says ‘political agendas’ she’s talking about inclusive policies for marginalized communities. 

    At “Freedom Night”, a campaign event held at Calvary Chapel South OC, she made her stances on LGBTQ+ issues clear.  Here’s some of the things she said; 

    When asked what prompted her to run, Zollinger told the crowd that she felt he was asked by God to run. 

    Zollinger said, “People don’t feel listened to by the board (...) our values aren’t being represented”.  “People know there’s a problem, they just don’t know what it is”. 


    “We have to protect our kids (...) I believe in the power of prayer but we also have to take action”. 

    At this event, Zollinger told a story about how a ‘biological boy’ played tennis with her daughter in school, drawing it out as a scary story.  She went on to say, “biological males should be going to the bathroom with biological males (...), and the same with sports.  (...)  I will call you a ‘she’ if you ask me to.  (...) I love that you think you’re that gender, but biologically, you’re not”. 

    She continued later on with a verifiably false narrative, suggesting that parents do not currently have access to curriculum being taught in their childrens’ classrooms. “As a parent, you should be able to easily access (curriculum)” “...schools don’t trust parents”. 

    When asked about her main desire for the students she’d be serving, she said, “we teach our children how to think, not what to think.  (...) my teachers taught us to love our country (...) and I’d like to get back to some common-sense policies”. 

    She opposes AB 1955, The SAFETY Act, saying “Keeping secrets is a dangerous way to weaken the relationship between parents, schools, and children”.  As a reminder, AB 1955 does not prevent teachers from speaking to parents about a students’ gender identity at their own discretion; it prevents school boards from requiring teachers to have that conversation against their will and at the threat of losing their employment. 

    Zollinger has raised $.57,049.25. That includes: 

    • $100 from Matt Gunderson, anti-LGBTQ Congressional candidate

    • $500 came from Shawn Steel Law Firm Inc (the husband of Michelle Steel, anti-LGBTQ Congresswoman)

    • $250 came from Brian Maryott, former legislative candidate whose campaign website says “As your Congressman, I will fight against the divisive dogma of Critical Race Theory and its inclusion in our education curriculum. This defeatist and poisonous agenda is harmful to every child – regardless of racial or ethnic background. Also damaging is the growing tendency for schools to aggressively insert themselves into the challenge of gender related issues. Let’s get back to basics and ask teachers to teach our children – and allow parents to raise them.”

    • Received $5,478.50 in the form of in-kind donations (slate cards) from 1962 PAC, a new Orange County PAC functioning through the Lincoln Club of Orange County. The PAC describes its mission as “1962PAC launched to defend Orange County values and our way of life in 2022 and beyond”.

    Was an advertised speaker at a Heritage Foundation event in Laguna Niguel called a “Parental Empowerment Event”

    Endorsed by the OC GOP

    Endorsed by the anti-LGBTQ OC Board of Education Trustees and Superintendent

    Endorsed by Reform CA

    Endorsed by Calvary Chapel

    Endorsed by Nancy’s Picks

    Endorsed by Matt Gunderson, Congressional candidate. 

    A number of, if not all, of these endorsements come from people and/or organizations who have taken anti-LGBTQ+ stances.

  • Candidate for Capo USD Trustee Area 3

    Lisa Davis is the current incumbent Trustee who brought forth the forced outing policy in Capo USD last year that was defeated at the vote. Per the Picket Fence Media, “Davis, in her opening remarks during the meeting, clarified that a student expressing “distress regarding depression or anxiety or gender-identity concerns” should result in a notification to the parents”.

     Her campaign website says “Academics Over Agendas - Focus on academic excellence and remove political agendas from the classroom”.  She’s made clear at campaign events that when she says ‘political agendas’ she’s talking about inclusive policies for marginalized communities. 

    At “Freedom Night”, a campaign event held at Calvary Chapel South OC, she made her stances on LGBTQ+ issues clear.  Here’s some of the things she said; 

    When asked what prompted her to run, Davis replied that she had “put on the armor of God to run”, and said “I’m on the school board because God asked me to”. 

    When asked about her priorities, Davis referenced a focus on “age-appropriate material”.  Calvary Chapel of South OC lead pastor John Randall, who was moderating the panel, then called the current curriculum ‘defiling’, and asked if Davis was saying it could be changed. She replied, “that’s exactly what I’m saying”. She went on to say that the curriculum was “inappropriate, completely non-appropriate material”.  


    Randall asked, “These recent laws regarding LGBTQ and trans children… how do you deal with it?” Davis replied, “I spent more time on (forced outing policies) than I did on my dissertation (...) I know God sends us to Earth as a boy or a girl”.  She continued, “No one should consider changing their gender until they are 26 years old (...) They are God’s children”. 

    She concluded her comments at the end of the panel by saying “I have not voted on anything of moral value that is not aligned with (my Christian values)”. 

    She has raised $66,794.90.  Donations include: 

    • $250 came from Brian Maryott, former legislative candidate whose campaign website says “As your Congressman, I will fight against the divisive dogma of Critical Race Theory and its inclusion in our education curriculum. This defeatist and poisonous agenda is harmful to every child – regardless of racial or ethnic background. Also damaging is the growing tendency for schools to aggressively insert themselves into the challenge of gender related issues. Let’s get back to basics and ask teachers to teach our children – and allow parents to raise them.”

    • $300 came from anti-LGBTQ activist, Michelle Brooks

    • $900 came from Marty Cutrone, the National Director of Gateways to Better Education, an organization that works to “help educators teach about the Bible and Christianity as it relates to the curriculum”. 

    • $5,934.90 came in the form of in-kind donations (slate cards) from 1962 PAC, a new Orange County PAC functioning through the Lincoln Club of Orange County. The PAC describes its mission as “1962PAC launched to defend Orange County values and our way of life in 2022 and beyond”.

    Was an advertised speaker at a Heritage Foundation event in Laguna Niguel called a “Parental Empowerment Event”

    Endorsed by the OC GOP

    Endorsed by the anti-LGBTQ OC Board of Education Trustees and Superintendent

    Endorsed by Reform CA

    Endorsed by Calvary Chapel

    Endorsed by Nancy’s Picks

    A number of, if not all, of these endorsements come from people and/or organizations who have taken anti-LGBTQ+ stances.

  • Candidate for Capo USD Trustee Area 3

    Sherine agreed to take the School Board Advocacy Pledge, saying, “Yes, I’m proud to take the Advocacy Pledge”. 

    Campaign Website:

    Her campaign website highlights her experience as a former teacher, principal and superintendent.

    Candidate Statement:

    “Right now, our district is pursuing extremist policies with a political agenda and putting partisanship over student welfare, while keeping parents and families uninformed and wasting

    taxpayer resources. It’s time to take politics out of our schools and classrooms, restore integrity, and put students first.” Read the full statement at the link above. 


    “I’m running to ensure safe and supportive campuses for our students, high academic standards, effective instructional programs, and a rich array of STEM, arts, music, and athletic programs. We need to stop wasting time and energy on fruitless infighting and put the focus on the classroom.”

    Pro LGBTQ statement: “Regarding the Support Academic Future and Educators for Today’s Youth Act (AB 1955), all students deserve to feel safe and supported at school. Parents and families with LGBTQ children understand that coming out is an extremely personal decision and want to support their children. In my experience, parents come to the school to ask for support for their child. They are not surprised or unaware. A very tiny minority may be unaware their child is LGBTQ and ideally a counselor can facilitate a conversation between the parents and child in a supportive environment. Very, very few parents reject their LGBTQ child. Yet if that happens, it can be unsafe or dangerous for the child. Schools have a duty of care to the child. I also understand parents have agency and can discuss this topic with their children at any time.

    Social Media: 



    Twitter:  not found

    On instagram, this candidate follows: 

    Endorsed by: 

    • retired teachers & principals 

    • WAVE -  Women for American Values and Ethics

    • Democratic Party of Orange County

    • Democratic Women of South Orange County

    • COPE


    Triton Times: Getting to Know Dr. Sherine Smith and Her Future Plans:

    The OC Register asked Sherine a few questions.  Among these, they asked, “California has a new law, set to go into effect in 2025, that prohibits districts from enforcing what’s been called parental notification policies, rules for school employees to contact parents if their child may be changing their gender identity. What do you see as the role of parents in education? Is there a limitation? (Please limit your answer to 200 words or less.)”

    Smith replied, “In education, we know parents are children’s first teachers. We value the teamwork, support and encouragement they provide. As a former high school principal, I know we rely on parent involvement. At any high school in Capistrano Unified, you will find literally hundreds of parents supporting the school by volunteering in PTAs, site councils, booster clubs and fundraising activities. They come to open houses, plays, musical performances, athletic events and academic competitions. They serve as classroom volunteers and dance chaperones. The list is endless. Parents also have extensive rights, as enumerated in Education Code 51101. School districts are required to notify parents of their rights and responsibilities annually.

    Regarding AB 1955, all students deserve to feel safe and supported at school. Parents and families understand that coming out as LGBTQ+ is an extremely personal decision and want to support their children. In my experience, most parents come to the school to ask for support for their child. A tiny minority is unaware their child is LGBTQ+. When they learn their child is LGBTQ+, very few parents disavow their child. If that happens, it can be unsafe for the child. Schools have a duty of care to the child”

    Follow the Money: 

    • Mostly small grassroots donations, some by teachers in the district, others by retirees

    $53,737 YTD contributions

  • Candidate for Capo USD Trustee Area 5

    Sonia says on her campaign website, “Parents must be involved in decisions that affect their children. No decisions should be left up to teachers and students alone. Teachers are there for the students. Students are children who belong to their parents.  Not bringing parents in the fold is abusive and child neglect.” This is a direct reference to the forced outing policies that have been a major campaign point for Sonia and the slate of candidates she is running with. 

    At “Freedom Night”, a campaign event held at Calvary Chapel South OC, she made her stances on LGBTQ+ issues clear.  Here’s some of the things she said; 

    When asked by Calvary Chapel lead pastor John Randall why she decided to run for school board, Terwiske said, “(the) final straw was AB 1955 (...) that conversation starts at a local level”.  “My child is mine, they do not belong to the government”.  This is a common talking point in the anti-LGBTQ+ circles surrounding forced outing policies, the idea of who children “belong” to, narratives about government “ownership” of children.  

    When Randall asked, how are you going to bring your experience to the school board, Terwiske said, “God has not called me to be a teacher and that’s okay (...) I will look at all agendas from a parent’s perspective”. 

    Randall went on to prompt, on the topic of ‘parental rights’, “People are trying to take away my rights as a parent with our kids…. Why?”  Terwiske replied, “Parental Notification Policies…. People said it’s a ‘forced outing policy’ (...) It’s hard to go there.  I feel for you, if you’re questioning, (...) but the way they’re going about it is wrong.  (...) You’re not taking my child away”. 

    Sonia has raised $18,331.89 in campaign donations.  Donations include: 

    • $1,000 from Mike Munzing, out of his Mike Munzing For Aliso Viejo City Council 2020 (ID# 1342330) fund.

    • $500 came from Shawn Steel Law Firm Inc (the husband of Michelle Steel, anti-LGBTQ Congresswoman)

    • $250 came from Brian Maryott, former legislative candidate whose campaign website says “As your Congressman, I will fight against the divisive dogma of Critical Race Theory and its inclusion in our education curriculum. This defeatist and poisonous agenda is harmful to every child – regardless of racial or ethnic background. Also damaging is the growing tendency for schools to aggressively insert themselves into the challenge of gender related issues. Let’s get back to basics and ask teachers to teach our children – and allow parents to raise them.”

    • $900 came from Marty Cutrone, the National Director of Gateways to Better Education, an organization that works to “help educators teach about the Bible and Christianity as it relates to the curriculum”.

    Endorsed by Congresswoman Young Kim, who voted against codifying gay marriage and interracial marriage into law. 

    Was an advertised speaker at a Heritage Foundation event in Laguna Niguel called a “Parental Empowerment Event”

    Endorsed by the OC GOP

    Endorsed by the anti-LGBTQ OC Board of Education Trustees and Superintendent

    Endorsed by Reform CA

    Endorsed by Calvary Chapel

    Endorsed by Nancy’s Picks

    A number of, if not all, of these endorsements come from people and/or organizations who have taken anti-LGBTQ+ stances.

  • Candidate for Capo USD Trustee Area 5

    Campaign Website:

    Candidate Statement:

    • “I am deeply committed to our community and to making sure every child has a quality education that positions them for success in higher education, career, and life. I am proud of having made an impact for our students, and it has been my privilege and honor to serve this community. Together, through communication and collaboration, we can continue to make our schools an amazing place for young people to learn and grow.”

    • Under my leadership, our schools and students benefited from new career education courses in pertinent, in-demand fields such as cybersecurity and robotics; middle school intramural sports to support physical health and mental well-being; STEM teaching specialists at our elementary schools to make learning fun and engaging; and a state-of-the-art Physical Science building at Aliso Niguel High School that provides innovative science labs for Learning.”

    Read the full statement at the link above. 

    Social Media: 



    Twitter: couldn't find an X account

    On instagram, this candidate follows: 

    • Our Schools Capistrano (one of our partner orgs - solid LGBTQ+ allies)

    • Reformcapousd (alt-right account; this seems to be the only alt-right account she follows) 

    • District school accounts

    • Local government officials

    • Local parents & community members

    Endorsed by:

    • CUSD Vice President Michael Parham

    • CUSD Trustee Amy Hanacek

    • CUSD Trustee Gila Jones

    • AV Councilmember Ross Chun

    • AV Mayor ProTem Tiffany Ackley

    • AV Councilmember Richard Hurt

    • Democratic Women of South Orange County(DWSOC)

    • Aliso Niguel Democratic Club (ANDC)

    • Democratic Party of Orange County

    • Women for American Values and Ethics (WAVE)

    • Capistrano Unified (CUSD) Teachers

    • Former ANHS Former Principal Deni Christensen


    The OC Register asked Krista a few questions.  Among those, they asked, “California has a new law, set to go into effect in 2025, that prohibits districts from enforcing what’s been called parental notification policies, rules for school employees to contact parents if their child may be changing their gender identity. What do you see as the role of parents in education? Is there a limitation? (Please limit your answer to 200 words or less.)”

    Castellanos replied, “I believe in clear and transparent communication with parents and families. Parents play a vital role in their children’s educational journey. We know student success and achievement are higher when parents are engaged at school. It is our responsibility to listen, communicate and engage. I am a teacher and a parent within the district and know how valuable this relationship can be for students and families”.

Capistrano Unified School District

38th District, House of Representatives

49th District, House of Representatives

71st District, CA State Assembly

  • Coming Soon

  • Coming Soon

72nd District, CA State Assembly

  • Coming Soon

  • Coming Soon

Santa Margarita Water District