Below you will find every single race that can be found in Los Alamitos, based on the cities covered by the respective agencies. Not all candidates may be on your ballot, but every candidate on your ballot will be here.

If you don’t see a race or a candidate on here that you expected to, it may be the seat is unopposed and not on the ballot.

Click the “+” next to each name to learn more about the candidates.

Los Alamitos

City Council Race

  • Candidate for Los Alamitos Unified School District Area 4

    Campaign Website:


    “... she is the best candidate to champion solutions grounded in the realities of today’s environment and aligned with parents’ perspectives and values in our community.”

    Candidate Statement:

    “Her campaign focuses on … core areas [such as]: Incorporating Parent Perspectives and Values into Decision Making”.  Read in full here

    Social Media: 

    Personal Facebook

    Campaign Facebook


    Twitter: NONE FOUND


    On instagram, this candidate follows: 

    • Several individuals that we are aware of for their LGBTQ+ activism in the local area

    • SOAR For Change (scholarship non-profit)

    • Local school and business accounts

    Endorsed by: 


    “Farnaz Pardasani, Los Alamitos Unified School District Trustee Area 4 candidate, 2024 election questionnaire” - OC REGISTER

    “California has a new law, set to go into effect in 2025, that prohibits districts from enforcing what’s been called parental notification policies, rules for school employees to contact parents if their child may be changing their gender identity. What do you see as the role of parents in education? Is there a limitation? (Please limit your answer to 200 words or less.)”

    Pardasani replied, “As a parent, I see firsthand how critical the role of parents are in education. Personally, I have been highly involved in our kids’ educational experience since preschool. I’ve worked inside the classroom, volunteered for various activities, taken on leadership roles, helped fundraise, donated to sustain our STEM and Arts programs, and more.

    My husband and I feel strongly that our most important job is to raise good humans and responsible citizens. I don’t see that ever ending. In turn, I see our schools as partners in this journey. Partnership requires transparency and two-way communication throughout the relationship.

    As for the new law in California, I’m taking time to educate myself. I’m talking to our community to better understand perspectives. Sometimes, in trying to do good, we lose sight of the unintended consequences of a regulation.

    In our district, we generally get it right over time — balancing the need to meet the demands of our state’s legislature while staying true to our community’s values. With me on the board, I will work on behalf of all parents to ensure our policies reflect our community’s values.”

    Farnaz Pardasani named McGaugh [Elementary School’s] ‘Hero of the Heart’”

    Pardasani, who currently serves as President of the McGaugh Parent Teacher Association, works tirelessly to ensure that parents and students have what they need to succeed, said Gates. He said Pardasani personally authored a grant application that raised the $3000 needed to cover the costs of a social/emotional parent workshop.

    Follow the Money: 

    • $3771 in “Marketing Supplies” from Los Alamitos Education Association PAC

    • $400 from the Seal Beach Leisure World Dem Club

    • $3772 from “proud union print shop” Press Print (

  • Candidate for Los Alamitos Unified School District Area 4

    *** L. Bobby Papoulias received our invitation to take the School Board Advocacy Pledge, as did every other school board candidate in Orange County.  He responded to decline, and when he realized that we would be sharing his reply in the voter guide (something that was made clear in the initial email), he went back and forth between demanding that we share the full email interaction, and threatening legal action if we shared it.  After consulting with our legal team, we have decided to share the entire thread in full.  Please find it at the bottom of his information here. ***

    Campaign Website:


    “Dr. Papoulias promises to create an environment where families are fully informed and actively involved in their children's education.”

    Candidate Statement: Read in full here

    “He recognizes the challenges posed by the rapidly changing landscape of online communication and information access, which often diverge from traditional family values. His candidacy is driven by the need to stay ahead of these changes, ensuring that parents have a strong voice in helping their child’s educational environment align with their traditional family values. Dr. Papoulias promises to foster transparency among teachers, administrators, and, most importantly, parents. He is dedicated to prioritizing the well-being of families within the district, steering clear of agendas and fleeting social trends. He seeks to create an educational system where the interests of families are heard, ensuring the well-being of our children for the future.”

    Social Media: 

    Campaign Facebook:




    On his facebook, Papoulias posted a question for his supporters, asking families who left Los Al USD between 2020-2024 what it would take them to come back.  The only comment on the post comes from a supporter who said, “Oak Middle School celebrated Pride Week with daily PowerPoint slideshows that had links to gay porn sites. The elementary school took their 5th graders to camps where the counselors were “non-binary” and so males were sleeping in the young girls cabins. The high school’s “award winning” musicals openly mocked christian churches. Shall I go on? Drugs and sex in the high school bathrooms”.  While Bobby did not like the post, it has remained untouched on his platform - we think it’s notable that he’s allowing such incredibly anti-LGBTQ+ language to go unanswered on his page - especially claims that the schools are sending middle schoolers to gay porn sites. 

    Papoulias was an enthusiastic supporter of the ballot initiative “Restricts Rights of Transgender Youth”, which would have done the following;

    • Create a state-level forced outing policy for CA schools

    • Ban transgender girls from K-12 sports (not trans boys, notably…)

    • Ban all forms of gender affirming care for trans youth in CA

    Papoulias advertised on his social media a signature event in Seal Beach for the ballot initiative, which failed to qualify for the November ballot. 

    On instagram, this candidate follows: 

    On Twitter, this candidate follows:

    • Donald Trump

    • Kristi Noem

    • Ron DeSantis

    Endorsed by: 

    Nancy’s Picks (far-right, anti-LGBTQ+ local ballot guide)



    • No notable news found

    Follow the Money: 


    ***What follows is the full email discourse between Pride at the Pier and L. Bobby Papoulias regarding the School Board Advocacy Pledge. ***

    On Sep 24, 2024, at 11:34 AM, Pride at the Pier <> wrote:

    “Hello L. Bobby Papoulias,

    We here at Pride at the Pier, a queer, political advocacy non-profit in Orange County, are creating a non-partisan ballot guide for the local OC races this election season. 

    In connection with that, we are writing to invite you to take the Advocacy Pledge, a commitment to uphold principles of inclusivity, equity, and respect. This pledge is a crucial step in ensuring that our community remains a welcoming and supportive place for all individuals, regardless of their background or identity.

    The Advocacy Pledge includes the following commitments:

    1. Acknowledgement of the Separation of Church and State: Affirmation of the importance of maintaining a clear separation between religious beliefs and public policy.

    1. Open Dialogue with the LGBTQ+ Community: Commitment to seeking out and engaging in open and respectful dialogue with members of the LGBTQ+ community in your role.

    1. Prioritizing Safety, Dignity, and Equity: Pledge to prioritize the safety, dignity, and equity of all constituents, including marginalized communities.

    1. Acknowledgement of Federal and State Protections: Pledge to abide by AB 1955, The Safety Act, which prohibits enforcement of forced outing policies. Pledge to abide by the current Title IX language, which prohibits discrimination and harassment based on sexual orientation, gender identity, and sex characteristics in schools that receive federal funding.

    1. Respect for Students’ Human Rights: Pledge to acknowledge that students in your jurisdiction are full fledged human beings who are not “owned” by any other human being, and should feel safe and have the autonomy to be themselves in school spaces. 

    By taking this pledge, you are demonstrating your dedication to creating a community that values diversity, inclusivity, and respect for all. A response is requested via email reply to this message. A lack of response will be considered a decline to take the pledge. 

    I hope you will consider taking the Advocacy Pledge. Your response will be included in our ballot guide that will be widely distributed across Orange County.

    Thank you for your time and consideration.


    Kanan Durham

    Executive Director” 

    On Tue, Sep 24, 2024 at 12:06 PM L. Bobby Papoulias, Ed.D. <> wrote:

    “I would like to express my concerns regarding the tone of your recent email. It feels as though I am being pressured to pledge my support without having had the opportunity to engage with you or your organization. This approach does not foster a professional dialogue.

    As I am running for a non-partisan position, I believe our focus should be on issues that directly impact our community, particularly in safeguarding our children in schools. I encourage you to direct your efforts towards political roles that align more closely with your goals.

    Peace out ✌️”

    On Oct 2, 2024, at 1:13 PM, Pride at the Pier <> wrote:

    “Thank you so much, Bobby!  We will include your response in our ballot guide, which will go live on our website on October 5th. 

    Our website is, and you can also follow us all over social media - our instagram can be found here.  We wish you the best of luck, and extend an invitation to reach out to us if you are looking for any resources within the OC LGBTQ+ community. 


    The Pride at the Pier Team

    Additional Note: Please feel free to ask any questions you may have! We are open to conversation.”

    On Wed, Oct 2, 2024 at 1:27 PM L. Bobby Papoulias, Ed.D. <> wrote:

    “Please ensure that you include your original email (in its entirely) for context when sharing any responses. It is important to provide the complete request to maintain clarity, especially when communicating with public officials. If the original context is not included, I will need to take further action to address the potential misrepresentation of my response. Thank you for your understanding.”

    On Oct 2, 2024, at 1:34 PM, Pride at the Pier <> wrote:

    “Yes, we will be including a hyperlink to the full message that was sent to the candidates, so that there's clarity on the communication, and we'll be including your full email reply to that message. Every school board candidate in Orange County received the same email, to maintain an ethical standard. 

    We are a non-profit, and this is a non-partisan ballot guide - our sole intent is to educate voters on the candidates' stances.  If you have any further questions about the Advocacy Pledge request, our work, or the issues brought up in the pledge, we are more than happy to answer them

    Have a great day!”

    ***The Hyperlink to the message we refer to can be found on the Voter Guide main page

    On Wed, Oct 2, 2024 at 2:45 PM, L. Bobby Papoulias, Ed.D. <> wrote: 

    “I would like to emphasize the importance of adhering to California law, specifically under California Civil Code § 3344, which addresses the publication of another person's name or likeness without consent (which you do not have).

    If you do move forward (which I would highly advise against), It is crucial to publish both the original email context and the response together to ensure compliance and avoid any potential issues. A link will not suffice in this matter, as it separates the context of the original Email from my response. I wish to avoid escalating this matter unnecessarily so be sure to adhere to CA codes. It’s up to you and your organization on what you wish to  do moving forward. Not only have I provided the code for you, but you have also been notified before publication (Oct. 5th).

    Your last email was significantly more constructive than the initial correspondence. It conveyed a much better tone and provided clarity regarding your actions.

    Effective communication fosters productive dialogue. The tone of the initial email lacked professionalism, which hindered our ability to engage meaningfully. In the future, I encourage you to initiate discussions about your initiatives before seeking my endorsement. This approach would not only be more professional but also responsible, as it allows me to fully understand your work. It is unfortunate that we could not have had a conversation beforehand.

    Peace out ✌️ 

    Dr, Papoulias

    For more detailed information, you can refer to the official California Legislative Information website: California CivilCode § 3344.


    The civil code that Papoulias references here concerns the usage of a person’s likeness without their consent for their purposes of profit, and does not apply in this situation.  Additionally, Papoulias is a candidate for public office, and therefore there is a different legal standard.  And last, we are sharing this information with journalistic intent - we are under no obligation to withhold information from the public that can better inform and educate. 

    If you would like a PDF copy of this email interaction, please contact us at to request it.  Thank you!

  • Candidate for Los Alamitos Unified School District Area 5

    Campaign Website:

    On her website, she says, “Perla will work to Champion Parental Rights: I believe that parents should have a strong voice in their children's education. Schools will collaborate closely with families to reflect their values and concerns. I'm committed to ensuring transparency, promoting parental involvement, and upholding the rights of parents to make decisions about their children's educational journey.”

    Candidate Statement:

    “My conviction to run for office is grounded in the idea of an education system that fosters intellectual growth, and critical thinking, free of ideologies and agendas. Childhood innocence needs to be protected. These essential values ensure our children's

    educational environment remains unbiased and transparent.” Read the full statement at the link. 

    Social Media: 



    Twitter: NONE FOUND


    On instagram, this candidate follows: 

    ***These are all highly anti-LGBTQ+ groups.

    Endorsed by: 

    Perla is running in a slate with L. Bobby Papoulias, who has anti-LGBTQ+ views as well. 


    “Perla Mendoza, Los Alamitos Unified School District Trustee Area 5 candidate, 2024 election questionnaire” - OC REGISTER

    California has a new law, set to go into effect in 2025, that prohibits districts from enforcing what’s been called parental notification policies, rules for school employees to contact parents if their child may be changing their gender identity. What do you see as the role of parents in education? Is there a limitation? (Please limit your answer to 200 words or less.)

    Perla replied, “I believe that parents should be actively involved in all aspects of their child’s education and well-being. It is essential for parents to be informed about what is happening at school with their child. When information is withheld from parents, it can hinder our ability to fully support our children, help them navigate their educational journey, and demonstrate our care for their development.

    The only limitation to this involvement occurs when a child is facing abuse in any form, as our priority must be to protect all children.

    School is a place for learning, and I believe that teachers are dedicated to their vital role in fostering that environment. It is important to encourage students and families to practice open communication, uphold family values, build healthy relationships, and spend quality time together.”

    Follow the Money: 

    We were not able to find any reported campaign finance filings for Mendoza.

  • Candidate for Los Alamitos Unified School District Area 5

    Campaign Website:

    His website leads with: 


    • “Matt will prioritize student safety and school climate by focusing on social and emotional support, counseling, wellness, and community.”

    Candidate Statement:

    “...a teacher, school Principal, and leader in student mental health whose life and career is focused on strong schools and student success.” Read the full thing here

    Social Media: 





    On instagram, this candidate follows: 

    Endorsed by: 

    • Gun Sense Voters

    • Everytown for Gun Safety

    • Moms Demand Action

    • Students Demand Action



    “Matt Bragman, Los Alamitos Unified School District Trustee Area 5 candidate, 2024 election questionnaire” - OC REGISTER

    OC Register: “California has a new law, set to go into effect in 2025, that prohibits districts from enforcing what’s been called parental notification policies, rules for school employees to contact parents if their child may be changing their gender identity. What do you see as the role of parents in education? Is there a limitation? (Please limit your answer to 200 words or less.)

    Bragman replied, “Parents and families are a student’s first teachers and serve as a cornerstone of the educational experience. Their involvement in education is a critical factor in a student’s success both inside and outside the classroom. I firmly believe that parents and families should play a significant role in their children’s education, partnering with schools to provide the support needed for their growth and development. When addressing sensitive issues such as gender identity, it is essential for parents and families to foster relationships with their children rooted in compassion, love, trust, and safety. This foundation ensures that meaningful discussions on these topics occur at home, allowing students to feel supported both at home and in school. By maintaining open lines of communication and providing a nurturing environment, families can better understand and meet the needs of their children as they navigate complex issues. Schools, in turn, can work alongside families to create a cohesive support system that promotes the well-being and success of every student. The partnership between families and schools is vital in ensuring that students receive the comprehensive support they need to thrive academically, socially, and emotionally.”

    Follow the Money: 

Los Alamitos Unified School District

Orange County Board of Supervisors, 1st District

  • Coming Soon

  • Coming Soon

  • Coming Soon

  • Coming Soon

  • Coming Soon

  • Coming Soon

  • Candidate for OC Board of Supervisors - District 1

    Campaign Website:

    Tagline: “Standing Up for Orange County's Taxpayers”

    “She's running for Orange County Supervisor to bring much-needed accountability and oversight to county government and ensure a high quality delivery of services to the communities that need them most.

    As a Cypress City Councilmember, Frances Marquez has built a reputation as a watchdog for taxpayers, demanding transparency before voting on spending even in the face of intimidation.”

    You can find her Candidate Statement here. In it, she says, “As your County Supervisor, I will expand opportunities for working families by:

    • Creating good-paying jobs and addressing rising housing costs

    • Preventing homelessness by expanding access to mental health

    • and supportive services

    • Investing in public safety and reducing crime

    • Protecting reproductive rights and abortion access”

    Social Media: 




    On instagram, she follows: 

    @lavenderdemsOC - Lavender Democrats OC

    @ppactionCA - Planned Parenthood Affiliates of California


    Endorsed by: 

    Latinas Lead CA:

    Planned Parenthood


    Moms Demand Action

    OC Huddle, who donated the funds for Pride at the Pier to create the Giant Pride Flag

    OC Dems


    “Frances Marquez, Board of Supervisors District 1 candidate, 2024 election questionnaire” - OC REGISTER - 

    “My parents raised six children without health care coverage, paying out of pocket to make sure we maintained our health. No family should have to face this challenge. Moreover, ensuring access to quality preventative care like mental health and substance use treatment stops cycles of homelessness and criminality which will benefit our communities at large.”

    Interesting context of harassment lawsuits and contention during Marquez’s time on the Cypress City Council:

    “Cypress councilwoman files lawsuit against censures” - Los Angeles Times

    Follow the Money: 

    SEIU donated $1500

    Sierra Club PAC donated $1000

  • Candidate for County Supervisor in District 1.  To replace Andrew Do, who is terming out.  

    Janet Nguyen is currently a State Senator. 

    Find her here: 

    Campaign Website: 

    State Senator Website: 

    Instagram Page: 

    Voted NO on AB 1955, The SAFETY ACT that prevents school boards from enforcing forced outing policies. 

    Other notable votes include: 

    Voted No on SB790 

    Voted No on SB 439

    Voted no on SB345

    As a Legislator: 

    Has a score of 17/100 from Equality CA

    Has a score of 25/100 from Planned Parenthood

    Has a score of 20/100 from the ACLU

    Janet has significant support from Proud Boys. Known Proud Boy Baked Alaska is friends with her. 

    Nguyen’s tendency to call her legislative peers “communists” and start fights over it have led to her being removed from the debate floor by Capitol security. When questioned on free speech allowance in California, she said that the ‘communist flag’ (referring to the flag of the communist Vietnamese government that many Vietnamese-Americans residents of Orange County emigrated to escape from) is comparable to KKK imagery. 

    While she was County Supervisor back in 2012, she “fled” the dias when community members brought forth a request for the County Board to recognize Harvey Milk Day. 

    The LA Times described of the event: 

    “One of the supervisors, Janet Nguyen, walked from the board room shortly after the activists began their presentation. Last year, Nguyen also left the meeting as the activists spoke.”

    On her official Senator instagram page, Nguyen posted the transphobic conspiracy theory about Olympic boxer and cisgender woman Imane Khelif, saying, “When a female boxer’s #Olympic dreams go up in flames after fighting a biological man, something needs to be done. #IStandWithCarini”.  As a reminder, Khelif is a cisgender woman, and is currently pursuing a major lawsuit against the influential people who pushed the conspiracy theory, including Elon Musk and JK Rowling.  

    She joined anti-LGBTQ+ extremist politician Gracey Van Der Mark in the Annual HB July 4th weekend Bike Ride, posting the selfie on her instagram page. 

    Endorsed by: 

    OC GOP

    CA GOP

    Lincoln Club of Orange County

    Orange County Young Republicans
    Concerned Parents of California PAC, who say on their website “We will influence school board and other elections by promoting  candidates and incumbents who strongly support a parent’s right to choose what they believe is best for their own children”.

    California Parents Union, whose website lists among their priorities; “Empowering Members to Stand Up for Parental Rights, Indoctrination Awareness and Solutions, Medical Autonomy Issues and Solutions”

North OC Community College District