Below you will find every single race that can be found in Fullerton, based on the cities covered by the respective agencies. Not all candidates may be on your ballot, but every candidate on your ballot will be here.

If you don’t see a race or a candidate on here that you expected to, it may be the seat is unopposed and not on the ballot.

Click the “+” next to each name to learn more about the candidates.


City Council Race

Placentia-Yorba Linda Unified School District

  • PYLUSD Candidate Trustee Area 1

    Tricia’s endorsement page on her campaign website is void of political organizations, focusing instead of educators, students, and parents. 

    Endorsed by Nancy Watkins, OC BOE candidate who has fought anti-LGBTQ+ extremism in Orange County schools. 

    Endorsed by WAVE, who said about their endorsement choice: “These races are critical, and our endorsed candidates are running a fight against some of the most extremist visionaries in public education. In the wake of book banning, anti-equitable curriculum, and LGBTQ+ violations infiltrating their way into public school leadership, it is imperative that we elect our endorsed candidates to combat this wave of extremism.”

    On her campaign page, she says, “What’s your position on teaching CRT?  I can assure you that my two PYLUSD graduates were never taught this academic and legal framework. CRT is a graduate-level course at a university level. I support an accurate teaching of historical events. Ensuring students and teachers can have open discussions is a crucial part of creating critical thinking skills. Social studies curriculum should follow the California State Standards.” 

    She says: “What are your thoughts on parents’ rights? As a teacher, parents are always welcome in the classroom, and parent involvement is encouraged. Parents have always had rights in our educational system. Legal documents, such as information in a student’s permanent files, are not allowed to be changed without parent permission. This law has never changed, even with the passing of AB 1955. I do believe that parents should be notified if their child is dealing with difficult issues. PYLUSD has a system in place to help parents and students. Resources can be provided with parent permission.”

  • PYLUSD Candidate Trustee Area 1

    Endorsed by Moms for Liberty

    Endorsed by OC GOP

    Endorsed by Pat Nixon Republican Women

    Endorsed by Reform CA

    Endorsed by Nancy’s Picks

    On his facebook, 

    “I’m for parents having a clear, God-given role in their children’s education (...) But I’m also fighting against divisive ideologies that misrepresent our history and tear apart our community. I’m fighting against policies that would withhold important information from parents about their own children. And I’m fighting against ideas that compromise the safety and well-being of our students”. 

    Miller is referring to fears about CRT, AB 1955, and curriculum that is inclusive of marginalized communities. 

    He says on his facebook; “why is the (teachers) union in support of allowing boys in girls bathrooms”, and “The union endorses CRT (critical race theory) and propogates gender dyspohoria ideologies and policies which are a huge distraction to our students education.”

    “I am committed to keeping everything inappropriate from being taught or propagated in our schools to ensure our children get what they need from school, the best education possible.”

    In a comment response to someone asking if he would be non-discriminatory to non-Christian religions, he said “I am non-discriminatory but I definitely do not have to embrace all religions and would never ask anyone to do so.”

    On his facebook he references a meeting he had with David Schmus, Executive Director of Christian Educators.  Christian Educators describes itself as ““We are working towards a bigger vision…our calling is to raise up an army of thriving ambassadors for Jesus in our public schools.”

    He describes people who support his opponent as the “Nasty (..) liberal left”.

    He claims on his facebook - “Let me let you in on a little secret. The teachers union, CTA and APLE, want power so they can manipulate our curriculum, control the staff, and have their way in our district. We cannot let that happen”.

    He claims about his opponent, “My opponent is heavily supported by organizations and individuals who are focused on promoting liberal, progressive ideologies including CRT (critical race theory), gender mutilation and dysphoria, the removal of parental notification, and the overall destruction of good family values that we as a community have loved for decades in Placentia and Yorba Linda.” 

    On his campaign website, he prioritizes;

    “Rejecting Inappropriate content: Our classrooms should be safe spaces for learning, not places where children are exposed to inappropriate or divisive content. I will work to keep such material out of our schools to protect the innocence of our children.”

    “Protecting our Values: I stand against divisive ideologies like CRT, which misrepresent history and create division. I believe in teaching unity and progress, not resentment. I also oppose any policy that withholds information from parents about their children's well-being.”

    “‘Protecting Girls’ Rights: I believe in protecting our girls from policies that force them to share bathrooms or sports teams with boys. Schools should provide a safe, respectful environment for all students.”

    “Safeguarding parental roles: Parents have a God-given role in their children’s education. I will always promote transparency and parental involvement, ensuring that schools communicate openly with parents and respect their voices in decision-making.”

    His campaign treasurer is Lysa Ray, who is running the campaigns of several anti-LGBTQ candidates throughout Southern California, and who is also the treasurer for Andrew Do, the OC County Supervisor who is in the process of being ousted after serious alleged financial corruption scandals that led to his home being raised by the FBI. 

    He received a $250 campaign donation from Brett Barbe, Yorba Linda Water District director and Epoch Times contributor. 

    He received $500 from Paul Hernandez, a Senior Executive at Irvine Company

    He received $500 from Eric Silverman, CEO of Voluntary Disruption, a company that teaches corporations about shifting the language around ‘voluntary’, employee funded benefits. Silverman is the author of a book titled “Breaking Through the Status Quo: How Innovative Companies are Changing the Benefits Game to Help Their Employees and Boost their Bottom Line”.  We’ve included this as we are interested in the connection between this donor and a candidate who has been open about his opposition to unions. 

  • PYLUSD Candidate Trustee Area 1

    Candidate did not submit a candidate statement when he filed to run, nor has he provided any campaign finance filings to the OC Registrar of Voters

    As far as we can tell, he is not endorsed by anyone

    He does not seem to have a campaign website or campaign social media

    Per Ballot Pedia, it does not seem that he has run for office before

  • PYLUSD Candidate Trustee Area 2

    Placentia, North Anaheim 

    Anderson voted against the forced outing policy in PYLUSD

    October 10, 2023 Board meeting

    “Aren’t all school employees (already) mandated reporters?” Pushed against narrative that the proposed PYLUSD policy was just about mandated reporting when students were in crisis, because that policy already existed.  Our read on her statements: no need to create an additional policy that could be used to forcibly out students. 

    “As I read this, if we use this parental notification policy for clear and present danger, then it needs to come back to us to update our board policies. (...) we have board policies on weapons and dangerous instruments, we have board policies on suicide prevention, even on infectious disease, that could be it - we have lots of policies, so if this becomes an issue then we have to go back and add parent notifications to each of the policies, is that correct?”

    Raised concerns during discussion on this topic, on the lack of clarity in the policy and how it would be utilized. 

    Expressed her agreement with the PYLUSD student board member that tried in vain in 2023 to persuade the board trustees to explicitly state that their ‘Parental Notification Policy” would not be used to forcibly out queer youth, saying “...I feel like we need to further differentiate this policy so it cannot be used against the LGBTQ+ community in the same way (as other forced outing policies”. Anderson said ‘I don’t have a problem with that language being added”.  Unfortunately, she was outvoted. 

    Marilyn is a board member of the local nonprofit “Love Placentia”, which is dedicated to “demonstrate kindness, meet the needs of others, and impact lives in the city of Placentia”

    Anderson worked to implement live streams of the school board meetings, increasing accessibility for a greater involvement in civics from the community. 

    Endorsed by the local teachers’ union, Association of Placentia Yorba Linda Educators

    In the last couple years, Anderson has shifted to a more moderate position on the board and often challenges the extremist, anti-LGBTQ+ views active in the school board meetings. 

    In 2022, Marilyn voted against Yes on an agenda item to ban “Critical Race Theory” in PYLUSD.

    She expressed opposition to teaching about systemic racism in America, opposing “one race is inherently or intentionally racist and/or responsible for stereotyping, scapegoating, and oppression of another race” - something that Pride at the Pier feels is a misrepresentation of what curriculum that discusses systemic racism and discrimination in our nation’s history is about.

  • PYLUSD Candidate Trustee Area 2


    Endorsed by Moms For Liberty -

    Endorsed by Ken Williams, Mari Barke, Lisa Sparks, Tim Shaw, Jorge Valdez, the anti-LGBTQ+ members of the OC Board of Education

    Endorsed by the OC GOP

    Endorsed by Leandra Blades, Todd Frazier, Shawn Youngblood, PYLUSD trustees who voted for forced outing policies. 

    Follows PYL4Choice on Instagram, an anti-LGBTQ+ activism group within PYL, which is highly connected to current PYL board president, Leandra Blades

    Opposes AB 1955, calling it “deceitful” and suggesting incorrectly that it “takes rights away from parents” 

    On her main website, it says “ I will advocate for the preservation of the District’s existing parental notification systems” - this is in reference to the vague forced outing policy that PYLUSD passed last year that they cannot now legally enforce under AB 1955. 

    On her social media, she refers to a trustee who voted against forced outing policies as “betraying families”. 

    She is anti-teachers-union. 

    Her campaign website repeatedly touts her as a strong advocate for “parental rights”, the new dog-whistle for anti-LGBTQ+ activism in our public schools (as well as targeting unions, funding for public schools, and curriculum that reflects our diverse community)

    Her website includes language that claims that the teachers’ unions do not support children in public schools, which feeds into a common narrative within anti-LGBTQ+ circles that suggest that teachers are harming children, part of the “grooming” narrative. 

  • PYLUSD Candidate Trustee Area 3

    Endorsed by Nancy Watkins, the OC BOE candidate who has consistently been an ally to LGBTQ+ students and spoke at a forum held by the LGBTQ Center this past February

    Misty spoke out at a June PYLUSD meeting, expressing concern about “the mismanagement of personnel and the fiscal irresponsibility of the board as of late (...) it casts doubt on the integrity of this district”. Her opponent, Leandra Blades, shared this video on her campaign instagram, using it as an opportunity to further justify forced outing policies.

    She’s an independent candidate, running with no clear affiliation to either the OC Dems or OC GOP.  She says on her campaign website, “Education over Politics: Divisive partisan politics have no place on a school board. I will serve all parents and students fairly and enthusiastically regardless of political affiliation. I will gladly collaborate with anyone who wants to see our children succeed in the classroom and life.I don’t have a hidden agenda. I’m running as an independent candidate and have no direct association with any party or outside organization. I’m not interested in using this role as a stepping stone into higher office. My only focus is restoring the academic integrity that has always been the hallmark of our district.”

    Endorsed by Aiden Mintzer, the PYLUSD student board member that tried in vain in 2023 to persuade the board trustees to explicitly state that their ‘Parental Notification Policy” would not be used to forcibly out queer youth, saying “...I feel like we need to further differentiate this policy so it cannot be used against the LGBTQ+ community in the same way (as other forced outing policies”.  Unfortunately, his suggestion was not included in the final policy that was passed.  Aiden left the meeting in protest after this policy was passed. Aiden said in his endorsement: “"I have experience working with the adults on the PYLUSD school board and Misty Janssen would bring a refreshing change. She would look out for students and respect all peoples opinions."

    Misty has focused heavily on the endorsement of individual students, parents, and teachers on her campaign website including one from a parent who says “"I proudly endorse Misty because our core values of inclusion, respect, diversity, and fairness align."” 

    Misty is a U.S Marine of over 2 decades, assigned to the 4th Medical Battalion - 4th Medical Battalion is a unit of the United States Marine Corps, staffed by personnel from both the United States Marine Corps and the United States Navy that provides medical support to United States Marine Corps forces. It’s based out of San Dego. She says of her experience in the USMC; “I work with Marines from every demographic, level of education, and socio-economic background. My job is to bring incredibly diverse groups of people together, to make great things happen and accomplish missions they simply couldn’t do without each other”.  

    About “CRT”, she says; “I do not support CRT, a graduate level college course, to be taught in TK through 12th grade. CRT was not and is not taught in our schools except for one High School AP course that requires it for college credit. The term CRT has been hijacked and turned into a political football to scare people. Also, I can say with certainty that in the past 4+ years not a single person who has talked to me has suggested they want CRT to be a part of our district curriculum either.”


  • PYLUSD Candidate Trustee Area 3


    Endorsed by OC Sheriff Don Barnes

    Endorsed by Congresswomen Michelle Steel and Young Kim, who are extreme anti-LGBTQ+ politicians

    Endorsed by the OC GOP

    Endorsed by the OC Board of Education, whose 5 board members have taken anti-LGBTQ+ stances consistently

    Endorsed by Calvary Chapel Chino Hills lead pastor Jack Hibbs

    Endorsed by Reform California, a CA political organization with anti-LGBTQ+ views

    On her website’s page “Key Issues” she poses and answers the following questions: 

    • “How do you feel about Boys in Girls bathrooms and Boys in Girls sports? If re-elected, I will continue to fight to protect our children from extreme ideas, promote conservative values and implement common sense policies.  I believe we should NOT allow boys in girls bathrooms and boys should stay OUT of girls sports. “

    • “Where do you stand on CRT? I have chosen to keep politics out of our schools by ensuring topics or theories outside of our district curriculum, such as the teaching of critical race theory, are not taught. It is a disadvantage to our students if any teacher deviates from the district curriculum in order to teach alternate subjects.”

    • “What is your position on Parental Rights & Parental Notification? Under my leadership, I implemented a Parental Notification Policy to ensure parents are in the driver's seat of their children's education and are notified immediately of any "happenings" while at school.”

    She says of herself, “In 2020 I ran to restore parental rights to our community and to remove politics, social justice and social issues that were creeping into our classroom and schools by Sacramento and the teachers union. 

    Voted Yes on PYLUSD’s vague forced outing policy, as well as asking to waive the second reading of the policy, with the intent to limit public discussion on the agenda item. 

    Using dog whistles, equated being transgender to an eating disorder during the October 10th, 2023 school board meeting discussion on forced outing

    “We are looking out for the safety of these students, which are we responsible to do” 

    When the student board member asked if the policy could include language in the policy that would have made it clear that it would not be used to forcibly out students, to differentiate it from other Forced Outing policies, Blades dismissed his suggestion.  “We heard you (...) We have a motion on the table to waive the second reading”. 

    Was a guest speaker for far right group Real Impact, which is affiliated with Calvary Chapel, an extreme anti-LGBTQ+ Evangelical Christian church. Is connected to Calvary Chapel Chino Hills, whose head pastor, Jack Hibbs, is a prominent figure in the Southern California anti-LGBTQ+ political movement.

    Affiliated with the IG page PYL4Choice, which has shared anti-LGBTQ posts.

    She is closely affiliated with a number of extremist anti-LGBTQ+ leaders in Southern California, including Sonja Shaw, the champion in California school boards of Forced Outing Policies and anti-LGBTQ+ rhetoric. 

    She is anti-union, claiming “Unions are directly attacking families through legislation such as AB1955 and many other bills.” , highlighting a post from the California Teachers’ Association that speaks in favor of LGBTQ+ issues (among others, such as racial justice and mental health) as a threat against “our students’ everyday lifestyles’. 

    Has claimed that her opponents are seeking to put “controversial, pornographic and sexually explicit books in libraries ages K-8”.

    Opposes the updated federal policy Title IX that ensures equal protection in publicly funded schools, regardless of gender identity and sexual orientation, with the hashtag “protectwomenssports”.

    Claims that AB 1955 “Takes Rights Away from Parents”,  that it’s about keeping “secrets” from parents 


    Has claimed that people speaking against her policies at school meetings are “creating a culture of fear, confusion, and intimidation in our cities”.

    Claimed on her IG page: “The teachers union is trying to get politics into the schools that fits their agenda…I have gotten it out of our classrooms. The teachers union would not support anyone in this election who isn’t willing to carry out their agenda.

    I am standing in the way of the teachers unions agenda. All parties should unite with me. Let’s stand together for a strong education for our children. We do not want Sacramento politics in our schools!”

    Blades is closely affiliated with Madison Miner, former/recalled OUSD Trustee and current Moms For Liberty OC Chair. 

    Blades posted transphobic rhetoric on her personal social media surrounding Olympic boxer and cis woman Imane Khelif. 

    Blades set up a paid entry system for a board meeting, which is wildly illegal. 

    Blades participated with the crowd of Trump supporters on Capitol Hill on January 6th, 2021, and is very open about being proud of her involvement in that event. 

    She has participated in a mass firing of PYLUSD faculty, which many have concerns was influenced by political perspectives, including a hesitation among faculty to enforce anti-LGBTQ+ policies. 

    In 2022, Voted Yes on a ban on “CRT” in PYLUSD.

    Per the Voice of OC, “Trustee Blades has stated that there is no such thing as institutional racism, to justify a school district policy that curbs learning real history. It’s a breathtaking limit on academic freedom that every American, regardless of political party, should resist. Our country’s history of segregation and discrimination must be taught honestly in order to prevent that cruelty from happening again.

    All three Board members claim CRT stigmatizes white students as oppressors and students of color as the oppressed but do not present a shred of proof to back that up.

    In fact, the three have taken a position using the philosophy and language of prominent white supremacists who frame ANY discussion of race in America as anti-white. It is outrageous that Blades, Anderson, and Youngblood would use such a discredited proposition as a basis for school policy.”

    Blades, in her career as a Downey Police Department officer, was responsible for a police shooting of a unhoused man in 2012.  The man, Manuel Tovar Vargas, was “armed” with a stick at the time. Blades, who at the time was known by her unmarried name, Leandra Weisenburger, was one of two officers who shot and killed him. The DA determined that Leandra and her fellow officer acted in self-defense. 

    Leandra worked with former Gays Against Groomers leader Frank Rodriguez - the same man who ripped up a Pride flag at the podium in HB last year - to coach her minor son to commit election fraud in an effort to damage the OUSD Recall campaign in March of 2024.

    While we CANNOT verify this and do not present it as unimpeachable truth, we are sharing a controversial post from an anonymous user who claims to have supported Blades’ campaign in 2020 - this anonymous person claims that Blades has a history of deceitful tactics in her campaigns, including ruining her own signs and claiming her opponent did it, using smear campaigns to influence the election, and intimidating other OC Republicans into endorsing her to avoid being targeted.  This person also claims that Blades has old Nazi memorabilia hanging up in her house.

  • Candidate for Buena Park SD Area 3

    Michael Jensen does not have campaign finances filed, so we aren’t able to advise who is funding his campaign. 

    We weren’t able to find any endorsements on this race from any groups, including the OC GOP and the OC Dems.

    He doesn’t have a campaign website, either, or any social media we could find. 

    The man is a ghost, politically speaking.

  • Candidate for Buena Park School District Area 3


    Ahmad has not reported any campaign finance filings for the year, making it difficult to advise who is supporting her campaign.  

    No notable endorsements

    Tharwa, who also works as a translator for the district, got her degree in diplomatic studies from a University in Jordan.

Buena Park School District

Fullerton School District


    Spotlight Schools sent all 4 FSD candidates 7 questions: 

    Candidates share their message to parents, thoughts on AI, and declining enrollment

    2024 Fullerton School District Candidate Forum

    Skip to 1 hour, 13 minutes in the video to watch the following segment with all candidates:


    AB 1955 recently banned forced outing, what are your thoughts on this law?

    James’ Answer: 

    Time and time again, we should show that the number one factor in a child’s academic performance, or just well-being in school, is the parents. Parents are the number one influence, the number one role model and influencer in a child’s development. Right, so we don’t want to get in the way of that. Also, I am not interested in wading into the culture war to try and divide and put a wedge in between teachers and parents. If our kids are going to succeed, we need teachers and parents to work together. The teachers do not have time to be the gender police. And I have no time for people who are going to lie about what our teachers are doing at schools. I want people to leave the kids alone. 

    Skip to 46 minutes in the video to watch the following segment with all candidates:


    What are your thoughts on FSD’s current sex ed curriculum which includes education on gender identity and diversity and do you support this?

    James’ Answer:

    I think having scientifically informed and inclusive education is an important part to prevent child abuse. In the social services world, we know that when children understand what is happening to their bodies they are less likely to be abused by perpetrators. When children don’t understand what is happening, when they are confused, when they are ashamed they are more susceptible to the overtures of sexual predators. So making sure that our sex education is scientifically, medically accurate and inclusive of all the things that the kids might be going through is one of the best ways we can prevent child sexual abuse.

    Fullerton Observer: 

    Follow the Money: Fullerton School District Candidate

    Candidate Interviews: Season 5 Release of the Slice of Orange NOC Podcast

    U.S. Air Force officer James Cho formally announced his campaign for Fullerton School Board Trustee Area 2 on April 26th

    Candidate Endorsements – Fullerton School District

    OC Register:

    James Cho, Fullerton School District Trustee Area 2 candidate, 2024 election questionnaire

    “While teachers are at the forefront of a child’s education, the No. 1 factor in a child’s educational success is parental involvement. This is why I’m not interested in wading into the weird culture wars that try to drive a wedge between public school teachers and parents. Unlike other school board trustees who want to waste taxpayer dollars on frivolous or doomed lawsuits, I know state law is clear. Teachers shouldn’t be the gender police, parents always have the right to be at the center of their child’s development, and for goodness’ sake, let kids be kids — leave the kids alone.”

    Endorsed by Planned Parenthood

    Endorsed by Courage CA

    Endorsed by WAVE

    Endorsed by OC Democrats


    Spotlight Schools sent all 4 FSD candidates 7 questions: 

    Candidates share their message to parents, thoughts on AI, and declining enrollment

    FB: Hilda speaking to community members.

    “The state is taking all sorts of authority away from the school districts and limiting what can be done, especially in terms of what can be read, what can’t be read, the rights of parents. And regardless of political party, people should be very concerned about such a thing. That isn’t how we want children educated.”

    2024 Fullerton School District Candidate Forum

    Skip to 1 hour, 13 minutes in the video to watch the following segment with all candidates:


    AB 1955 recently banned forced outing, what are your thoughts on this law?

    Hilda’s Answer:

    The law is the law, we have to follow the law. The problem with the law is it has no flexibility in it. When people pass laws, they don’t understand all the time the ramifications those laws create. This is one of those serious laws. I totally believe in the family structure. And it’s really important for the family to be able to understand what their child’s going through. There are exceptions and I believe that staff knows when they need to protect children because their job is to relate to the children in their classroom. And this is one of those instances where the state has decided to take all the flexibility and all the judgment away from the people on the local scene and that’s really, really not good.

    Skip to 46 minutes in the video to watch the following segment with all candidates:


    What are your thoughts on FSD’s current sex ed curriculum which includes education on gender identity and diversity and do you support this?

    Hilda’s Answer:

    This is a complicated question because on one hand, we will follow the state mandates that’s required of us and that covers exactly what my colleague James has said. On the other hand, we have parents who feel that they have rights also and that they want a say in the education of their children regarding sex ed. So we have the ability in our school district for parents to opt out if that is not what they want. And I think again that parents' choice and family values is very important. And I do want to protect children from predators. But I want also to protect the rights of families.

    Fullerton Observer: 

    Follow the Money: Fullerton School District Candidate

    Candidate Interviews: Season 5 Release of the Slice of Orange NOC Podcast

    Candidate Endorsements – Fullerton School District

    OC Register:

    Hilda Sugarman, Fullerton School District Trustee Area 2 candidate, 2024 election questionnaire

    “Parents have important roles in the education and rearing of their children. Parents can also be held legally responsible for the behavior of their minor children. Children have a right to their personal safety. Finally, teachers are required to provide a safe teaching environment for students.

    California’s law may challenge the rights of parents. For many families, when a child decides to no longer identify with their birth sex, the family is aware of the struggle. Parents and the child talk and, hopefully, a supportive family helps the child in their identity struggle. However, in the rare situation where the family is unaware of the child’s decision to no longer identify with his/her birth sex, this law limits the teacher’s ability to notify and discuss this situation with parents. This law was initiated for the rights and safety of the child. Telling those parents before the student is comfortable may lead to problems. Limiting parent knowledge to protect a child is understandable.

    As a board member, I would follow the law. However, I would prefer that the law had flexibility. That would allow each student to be treated individually and staff decisions reached understanding the entire situation between that parent and child.”


    Spotlight Schools sent all 4 FSD candidates 7 questions: 

    Candidates share their message to parents, thoughts on AI, and declining enrollment

    2024 Fullerton School District Candidate Forum

    Skip to 1 hour, 13 minutes in the video to watch the following segment with all candidates:


    AB 1955 recently banned forced outing, what are your thoughts on this law?

    Leonel’s Answer: 

    So definitely, the law is the law and we as a school district have to abide by that. Whether it’s Ed code or legislation that gets passed down from the state. Again, it’s just one of those things that I wish state legislators really did their homework, really talked to the community to understand kind of what’s happening at the local level and how it’s going to be impacting those that gotta be able to implement some of these laws. 

    Skip to 46 minutes in the video to watch the following segment with all candidates:


    What are your thoughts on FSD’s current sex ed curriculum which includes education on gender identity and diversity and do you support this?

    Leonel’s Answer:

    I think really supporting both the student and the parents in this fact. I think again, the opportunity to be able to opt out from this type of curriculum is really important to me because again it gives the parent choice and it also provides the student the choice to be able to opt of this. Again, also there’s restrictions that we gotta be able to provide this from the state, so we gotta be able to support this as well too. 

    Fullerton Observer: 

    Follow the Money: Fullerton School District Candidate

    Candidate Interviews: Season 5 Release of the Slice of Orange NOC Podcast

    An Interview with Fullerton School Board Trustee Leonel Talavera

    Candidate Endorsements – Fullerton School District

    OC Register:

    Leonel Talavera, Fullerton School District Trustee Area 5 candidate, 2024 election questionnaire

    “Parents play a crucial role in their children’s education, serving as their first teachers and ongoing advocates. They provide the foundation for values, support learning at home and collaborate with educators to ensure their child’s success. Parental involvement is essential in fostering a child’s academic and emotional development.

    However, there can be limitations to parental involvement, particularly when it comes to respecting a child’s privacy and autonomy, especially in sensitive areas like gender identity. Schools must balance the parents’ right to be informed with the student’s right to confidentiality and safety. While parents should be involved in major educational decisions, there are situations where the child’s well-being might require discretion and professional guidance from educators and counselors.”

  • Vanesa agreed to take the School Board Advocacy Pledge. “I am honored to take the advocacy pledge for Pride at the Pier, committing to uphold the principles of inclusivity, equity, and respect. Thank you for considering me to participate in this important initiative. I firmly believe in these values and am dedicated to fostering a community that celebrates diversity, promotes inclusivity, and ensures respect for all”.

    Spotlight Schools sent all 4 FSD candidates 7 questions: 

    Candidates share their message to parents, thoughts on AI, and declining enrollment

    2024 Fullerton School District Candidate Forum

    Skip to 1 hour, 13 minutes in the video to watch the following segment with all candidates:


    AB 1955 recently banned forced outing, what are your thoughts on this law?

    Vanesa’s Answer:

    This is a very hard question because as a school board, we have to follow the law, so we have to do what the state tells us. And I believe we have the responsibility of the student, to make sure they are safe, to make sure they are respected in the way that they want to be called. He, she. I also believe that parents have rights but our job in the school district is to protect the children and we have to follow what the law says. So I am 100% in agreement with following that new law. 

    Skip to 46 minutes in the video to watch the following segment with all candidates:


    What are your thoughts on FSD’s current sex ed curriculum which includes education on gender identity and diversity and do you support this?

    Vanesa’s Answer:

    I definitely support the comprehensive curriculum of sex ed. Not only does it provide students with education about their body, exactly what James said, but I also feel like it’s important, I’m 100% with parents that do not want to take this class because they have the right, we have to respect it. But I also believe it’s important that we educate parents in the importance of their children having this class because it’s important. And a lot of times it’s miscommunication and a lot of times parents don’t understand what this class is about but it’s important that we educate our children but also, I don’t want to say educate our parents but make them aware of what this class entails any why it’s important for us to be teaching our children about their body.

    Fullerton Observer: 

    Follow the Money: Fullerton School District Candidate

    Candidate Endorsements – Fullerton School District

    OC Register:

    Vanesa Estrella, Fullerton School District Trustee Area 5 candidate, 2024 election questionnaire

    “As a parent and community advocate, I view the role of parents in education as absolutely fundamental. Parents are essential partners in supporting their children’s academic and personal growth, providing love, guidance and values at home. However, the safety and well-being of all students must remain a priority. This new law acknowledges that students navigating issues related to gender identity may face unique challenges, including the potential for harm if their identities are prematurely disclosed without their consent.

    While I believe in the importance of parental involvement, I also recognize that schools must be safe spaces for all students, including those who may not yet feel ready to share certain aspects of their identity with their families. The role of parents should be to create an environment of trust and open communication at home, so children feel supported in their decisions. The limitation arises when parental notification could cause harm to the child, which is why this law is a necessary measure to protect vulnerable students.”

    Endorsed by Planned Parenthood

    Endorsed by Courage CA

    Endorsed by WAVE

    Endorsed by OCYD

    Endorsed by Women in Leadership

    Endorsed by OC Democrats

La Habra City School District

  • Candidate

    La Habra City School District Board Member, Full Term

    Ofelia is the incumbent in this race. 

    Campaign Website: 

    No website found. 

    Candidate Statement:

    “Student achievement and safety remains to be our highest priorities. I will continue to work hard to ensure that our school district continues to offer our students every possible opportunity, and to provide a safe and quality education to all children. I believe that the collaboration between school staff, parents, and the community is essential, and that my knowledge and appreciation of our diverse community allows me to identify and address student needs.” Read the full statement at the link above. 

    Social Media: 

    Facebook: None Found


    Twitter: None Found

    Endorsed by: 

    None Found


    Ofelia did not respond to the OC Register candidate questionnaire

    Follow the Money: 

    Ofelia did not report any donations.

  • Candidate

    La Habra City School District Board Member, Full Term

    Campaign Website: 

    None Found

    Candidate Statement:

    “As your school board member, my priorities will be: Focus on the basics, keeping politics out of the classroom Protecting the innocence of children Supporting parental rights, including school choice Accountability and transparency”.  Read the full statement at the link above. 

    Social Media: 

    Facebook: None Found

    Instagram: None Found

    Twitter: None Found

    Endorsed by: 

    None Found


    Bertha did not respond to the OC Register candidate questionnaire

    Follow the Money:  Manzanares received money from the following: 

    • Republican Women of La Habra
      Pat Wright

    • Destiny Ortiz

    • Self-funded small donations

  • Candidate

    La Habra City School District Board Member, Full Term

    Campaign Website: 

    Justin has a joint campaign website with Minerva S. Gomez.  On his “Meet Justin” page, he says, “My vision for our schools includes a focus on innovative teaching methods, comprehensive support services, and equitable resource allocation. I am dedicated to addressing the diverse needs of our student population and ensuring that every child has the tools and support they need to succeed”. 

    Candidate Statement:

    I have championed transparency and accountability, believing open communication between the board, parents, teachers, classified staff, and the community is essential. My vision focuses on a hands-on approach to innovative teaching, comprehensive support services, and equitable resource allocation. 

    Social Media: 

    Facebook: None Found

    Instagram: None Found

    Twitter: None Found

    Endorsed by: 

    Parents of La Habra (organization)
    Democratic Party of OC
    Daren Nigsarian, La Habra Mayor
    Rose Espinoza, La Habra City Council
    Carrie Surich, La Habra City Council
    James Gomez, La Habra City Council
    Emily Pruitt, La Habra City School Board President
    Adam Rogers, La Habra City School Board


    Justin Rodgers Candidate Questionnaire - Oct 2024

    The OC Register asked Justin a few questions, including, “California has a new law, set to go into effect in 2025, that prohibits districts from enforcing what’s been called parental notification policies, rules for school employees to contact parents if their child may be changing their gender identity. What do you see as the role of parents in education? Is there a limitation? (Please limit your answer to 200 words or less.)”

    Justin replied, “I am the parent of a young child in our school district, so I deeply understand the vital role that parents play in their child’s education. As a school board trustee, it is my responsibility to ensure that the voices of parents and families are a vital part of our decision-making processes. It is also my responsibility to make sure our district is following the law. When the SAFETY Act goes into effect, our district will continue to provide a safe educational environment for all students, and we will continue to maintain these vital relationships with parents and families in our community.”

    Follow the Money: 

    Rodgers filed his Form 700 with this statement: “I have not received gifts, loans, or travel payments related to travel or my role on the [school] board.”

  • Coming Soon

  • Coming Soon

North OC Community College District

  • Coming Soon

  • Coming Soon

  • Coming Soon

  • Coming Soon

  • Coming Soon

  • Coming Soon

  • Coming Soon

  • Candidate OUSD district 4

    Candidate, Orange County Water District District 2

    (Also, while we’re not covering this race - he’s running for U.S. President).

    Not much is known about him; he is a perennial candidate who shows up on ballots most election cycles. 

    No ballot statement for the OUSD or the OCWD races. 

    His rhetoric is far right sprinkled with a handful of left rhetoric. He is in favor of forced birthing policy and claims ‘Kamala supports abortions that kill babies’. Says ‘she is married to a Zionist Jew’. We are choosing not to promote these views by linking directly to his social media, but it can be found if you search for it. 

    When the attempt to recall Newsom took place he put his name into the hat for Governor. His old governor website says: “FUTURE POLITICAL GOAL: Democratic Political Party Nomination for President of the United States of America as a historical vote to be the First Latino President in the advancement of Racial Equity & Inclusion 2024.”

    Old website link:


    No public stance on the LBGTQ+ community, although he seems to lean into alt-right ideologies regarding several other demographics and issues. 

  • Coming Soon

  • Coming Soon

  • Coming Soon

  • Coming Soon

  • Coming Soon

  • Coming Soon

Orange County Water District

Municipal Water District of Orange County

  • Municipal Water District of Orange County

    District 4

    Campaign Website:

    “Using Water Efficiently Should Be Our Way Of Life!”

    Candidate Statement:

    “I hope to extend my 40+ years of service to the water industry for the benefit of all Orange County water users. As lead engineer for 37 years at MWDOC, I worked successfully with every

    water provider in Orange County.”

    Social Media: 

    Personal Facebook:

    Political Facebook:


    Twitter: NONE FOUND


    On instagram, this candidate follows: 

    Endorsed by: 

    • Robert McVicker, Director, Municipal Water District of Orange County

    • Megan Yoo Schneider, Director Municipal Water District of Orange County

    • Joan Finnegan, Former Director Municipal Water District of Orange County

    • Larry Dick, Director Municipal Water District of Orange County

    • Al Nederhood, Director, Municipal Water District of Orange County

    • Randall Crane, Director, Municipal Water District of Orange County

    • Sat Tamaribuchi, Former Director Municipal Water District of Orange County

    • Susan Hinman, Former Director, Municipal Water District of Orange County

    • Scott Goldman, Director, South Coast Water District

    • Doug Erdman, Director, South Coast Water District

    • Bill Green, Director, South Coast Water District

    • Rick Erkeneff, Director, South Coast Water District

    • Dennis Erdman, Director, Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, former Director, South Coast Water District

    • Fred Jung, Fullerton Council Member, Director Metropolitan Water District of Southern California

    • Stephen Faessel, Anaheim Council Member, Director Metropolitan Water District of Southern California

    • Michael Gaskins, Director, El Toro Water District

    • Mark Monin, Director, El Toro Water District

    • Fred Adjarian, Director, El Toro Water District

    • Betty Olson, Director, Santa Margarita Water District

    • Saundra Jacobs, Director, Santa Margarita Water District

    • Chuck Gibson, Director, Santa Margarita Water District

    • Stephen Dopudja, Director Trabuco Canyon Water District

    • Ed Mandich, Director, Trabuco Canyon Water District

    • Glenn Acosta, Director, Trabuco Canyon Water District

    • Doug Reinhart, Director, Irvine Ranch Water District

    • Steve LaMar, Director, Irvine Ranch Water District

    • John Withers, Director, Irvine Ranch Water District

    • Peer Swan, Director, Irvine Ranch Water District

    • Jim Atkinson, Director, Director, Mesa Water

    • Marice H. Depasquale, Director, Mesa Water

    • Bill Moorehead, Director, Moulton Niguel Water District

    • Sherry Wanninger, Director, Moulton Niguel Water District

    • Adam Ereth, candidate for City of Costa Mesa Council Division 1

    • Chuck Gibson, Director, Santa Margarita Water District

    • Saundra Jacobs, Director, Santa Margarita Water District

    • Betty Olson, Director, Santa Margarita Water District

    • Laura Freese, Director, Santa Margarita Water District

    • Mike Scheafer, Director, Costa Mesa Sanitary District

    • Bob Ooten, Director, Costa Mesa Sanitary District

    • John Stephens, Mayor, Costa Mesa

    • Arlis Reynolds, Council Member, Costa Mesa

    • Manuel Chavez, Council Member, Costa Mesa

    • Jeff Harlan, Council Member, Costa Mesa

    • Dan Kalmick, Council Member, Huntington Beach

    • Natalie Moeser, Council Member, Huntington Beach

    • Rhonda Bolton, Council Member, Huntington Beach

    • Nathan Steele, Council Member, Seal Beach

    • Joe Kalmick, Council Member, Seal Beach

    • Thomas Moore, Council Member, Seal Beach

    • Oscar Rodriguez, Planning Commissioner, Huntington Beach

    • Geoff West, Bubbling Cauldron


    Seckel does not seem to have replied to the LAist’s candidate questionnaire

    Follow the Money: 


  • Municipal Water District of Orange County

    District 4

    Campaign Website:

    Candidate Statement:

    “Vote for Pano Frousiakis for a fresh perspective and dedicated leadership in water management!”  Read it in full at the link above. 

    Social Media: 

    Personal Facebook:

    Political Facebook:

    Political Instagram:

    Personal Instagram:

    Political Twitter:


    On Instagram, this candidate follows: 

    On Twitter, this candidate follows:

    His campaign social media posts include:

    • Photo of Frousiakis shaking hands and smiling with Former Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy: 

    • Photo of Frousiakis shaking hands with an unknown man in front of a huge “Take America Back” Trump flag:

    • Photo of Froukiakis’s truck, which he calls the “Panomobile,” festooned with copies of his own campaign sign alongside a prominently placed Trump 2024 campaign sign

    In May 2023, he responded to HB Councilwoman Moser’s agenda item in public comment.  For full context, the HB City Council has an invocation before every meeting.  There used to be a process with the HB interfaith community wherein different faiths would be represented via a rotating invocation speaker from within the established interfaith council, and there was no favor shown to any single faith practice.  When the current council majority was elected at the end of 2022, they did away with this practice, and for the last two years only Christianity has been reflected in the invocation.  Councilwoman Moser, in an attempt to ensure the council was not giving unfair credence to any one faith, put forth an agenda item suggesting that there instead be a moment of silence, rather than a dedication to a single faith. 

    Pano spoke on this matter, saying “I’m really troubled by this new agenda item that’s come out (...) that is seeking to fundamentally remove our invocation from our meeting, and is a time-old tradition of our city council, and to replace it with a moment of silence.  Well, there’s a couple things I want to go over here.  First of all, the tradition that we’ve had in our community of having an invocation - that’s really emblematic of the unity that our community has.  When it comes to all the different faith backgrounds, when it comes to all the different, um speakers, and different religious figures who have come before here - it’s not just been Christians, it’s been many different faith backgrounds. And so, for us to have an item on the agenda that’s been proposed by a member on this council that very soon, most likely, is going to be trying to seek your votes for the next election - it undermines the very unity that it represents in our community.  Which is for us to respect each others’ faiths and convictions. It’s not possible to be able to just say, hey, we’re just going to have you pray in your room, and that’s all you need - I mean, that’s a really dangerous form of logic right there. Because you can say, oh, you can have all the constitutional rights you want in your bedroom - well, thank you so much for giving me the right to have rights in my bedroom, I really do appreciate that, but we need to be able to have the rights to be able to express ourselves, and our faiths, in a public forum.  And a moment of silence just isn’t going to do that. (...) And so really the question I have to pose to Councilwoman Moser regarding this item is, is it really about inclusivity? Your item?  You know, it seems to me to be a guise of neutrality that’s really covering a form of discrimination, which is the discrimination against our people of faith. Because many residents in our community have told me, especially of the Christian faith, but of all faith backgrounds, have said, we’re concerned that our rights are being trampled on and that we’re not being heard, based on this agenda item. So, given that information, I just want to say that we as a community should be upholding the traditions that unite us.  And so remember - with progress, progress is not about discarding our values.  Progress is about upholding the values that allow us to best serve our community.” 

    Endorsed by: 

    Nancy’s Picks (conservative-leaning):

    Scott Baugh


    Patriots for Freedom PAC

    “I am proud to also have the endorsement of the Republican Party of Orange County, Lincoln Club, California Republican Assembly, and Reform California.”


    In a July 2021 OC Register article, Pano was photographed sitting next to Gracey Van Der Mark, prior to her 2022 election to the council, at a city council meeting.  He reacts in a negatively shocked expression at then Mayor-Pro-Tem Delgleize stating that she would support the appointment of Rhonda Bolton to City Council to replace Tito Ortiz, who stepped down. In the photo, he wears a shirt emblazoned with a ‘Gracey for City Council’ message; Van Der Mark had also interviewed for the role and was hoping for the appointment. 

    According to this Calmatters article, Pano founded the local group, HB Patriots. The website defines the group as “HB Patriots is a 501c4 political organization dedicated to uniting Conservatives in Huntington Beach, CA. Our focus is on endorsing local candidates and actively participating in the city's politics. As a networking organization, we bring together individuals who share a common vision of promoting conservative values and principles. Join us and be part of a community that works towards a common goal of advancing conservatism in Huntington Beach”.

    The article references Pano, saying, “Though he’s happy with the overall direction of the council, Frousiakis concedes that “the past few months have been getting a little bit off-track.” He established a political organization this year, the HB Patriots, and is running again for city council in 2024 with a message about getting back to local quality-of-life issues.  “Unfortunately, I feel that our residents get sidelined as a result of that. I feel sidelined as a resident,” he said. “The other issues that are being talked about, that’s why I vote for president.”

    Follow the Money: 

    • Aug 2024 - $3000 from Paula Prizio, Chairwoman of Next Gen, the youth program of the Republican Party of Orange County

    • July 2024 - $500 from Ledsam Contracting Incorporated

  • Municipal Water District of Orange County

    District 6

    Campaign Website: 

    “I am passionate and committed to the proportional and equitable distribution of water to our diverse economic and cultural communities, always considering the environmental benefits and risks.“

    Candidate Statement:

    “I will advocate for: Transparency in planning for climate change challenges of reliable water supply imports. Fair distribution and sustainable supply of safe and clean water for all of Orange County.” Read the statement in full at the link above. 

    Social Media: 

    Facebook: NONE FOUND

    Instagram: NONE FOUND

    Twitter: NONE FOUND

    On instagram, this candidate follows: 


    Endorsed by: 

    Josh Newman

    Dave Min

    Canyon Democrats

    Iranian American Democrats of California

    Orange County Democrats - 

    Orange County Young Democrats - 

    Planned Parenthood Action Fund of Orange and San Bernardino Counties

    Women for American Values and Ethics (WAVE) - 


    Gomez did not reply to the LAist candidate questionnaire. 

    Follow the Money: 

    • Jul 2024 - $500 from Canyon Democrats

    • Sep 2024 - $500 from Cottie-Petrie Norris for Assembly 2024

    • Sep 2024 - $500 from Planned Parenthood of Orange and San Bernardino Counties

  • Municipal Water District of Orange County

    District 6

    Campaign Website: NONE FOUND

    Personal Website:

    Candidate Statement:

    “As an advocate for small businesses, start-ups, and disadvantaged communities, Pramod understands the importance of ensuring that all voices are heard and represented.”  

    Read the full statement in full at the link above. 

    Social Media: 

    Personal Facebook:

    Professional Facebook:


    Personal Twitter:


    YouTube Channel:

    On instagram, this candidate follows: 

    Kamala Harris -

    Tulsi Gabbard -

    Irvine Neighbors -

    Endorsed by: 

    None Found


    None Found

    Pramod did not reply to the LAist candidate questionnaire 

    Follow the Money: 


  • Municipal Water District of Orange County

    District 6

    Campaign Website: NONE FOUND,but you can view his bio here.

    Candidate Statement:

    “I am a staunch advocate for transparency in public records and have tirelessly fought against conflicts of interest in the water community. I will continue to oppose special interests in Orange County that seek to shift costs to you.” You can read the statement in full at the link above. 

    Social Media: 


    Instagram: NONE FOUND

    Twitter: NONE FOUND


    On instagram, this candidate follows: 


    ***However, on his facebook page he does follow Austin Lumbard, the Mayor of Tustin.  You can see Lumbard’s affiliations on his instagram page, here

    Endorsed by: 

    OC GOP

    Nancy’s Picks (conservative-leaning):

    Orange Juice Blog (liberal-leaning):


    “Election: Water District Candidates Discuss the Issues” - SAN CLEMENTE TIMES

    “Advocating for transparency with public records and fighting conflicts of interest in the water community have been priorities since I first took office. I will continue the battle against special interests in Orange County who are seeking to shift costs to others.”

    Follow the Money: 

    NO DONATIONS LISTED, but he made numerous  loans to his own campaign

45th District, House of Representatives

  • Incumbent

    House of Representatives 45th District

    Summary: Mixed statements about LGBTQ+ support (flip-flops), on record voting against multiple LGBTQ+ bills

    Receiving money from Musk: 

    General contact email:

    General phone number: 714-202-6173

    Campaign manager: Eric Dutra, LinkedIn

    Previous positions:

    2020 - 2022 CA-48

    2015 - 2021 OC Board of Supervisors, District 2 & Chairwoman

    2007 - 2015 California State Board of Equalization


    Michelle Steel’s most prominent campaign platform is around lowering taxes for Californians. However, in 2022, she voted against the Inflation Reduction Act during her congressional tenure, thereby voting against lowering prices on prescription drugs, health insurance, and everyday energy costs. This is a core example of Michelle Steel’s long history of flip-flopping her public comments on issues and her voting record. After her 2014 comment at a Tea Party event went viral in 2020, she issued a statement, saying her anti gay-marraige comments were “made in jest.” Over the next four years, she would go on to vote in opposition of LGBTQ rights via voting in support for Parents’ Bill of Rights and Life at Conception Act, and against Respect for Marriage Act, Equality Act, among many more. Her recent stance in support of IVF and selective pro-life stand in opposition to her voting record that restrict reproductive rights.

    During her time as Chairwoman of OC Board of Supervisors, she routinely shut down efforts at transparency and building trust between the County and its constituents.


    • California Pro-Life Council

    • AIPAC

    • Maggie’s List

    • National Rifle Association

    • VIEW PAC

    • Tea Party

    • OC Sheriff Don Barnes

    Affiliations & Support for

    • Dan Crenshaw, TX-02 -- anti-LGBTQ, “culture wars”

    • Young Kim, CA-40

    • Rob Simms, Convergence firm

    • Hemmer Reports, Fox News

    • Tucker Carlson

    • Trump

    Voting Record: Congressional

    • No:

      • Respect for Marriage Act, 2022

      • LGBTQI+ Data Inclusion Act, 2022

      • Global Respect Act, 2022

      • CROWN Act (Creating a Respectful and Open World for Natural Hair Act, 2021)

      • For the People Act, 2021

      • Equality Act, 2021

      • Right to Contraception, 2022

      • Ensuring Access to Abortion Act, 2022

      • Women’s Health Protection Act, 2021

      • Paycheck Fairness Act, 2021

      • Inflation Reduction Act, 2022

      • Affordable Insulin Now Act, 2022

    • Yes

      • Parents Bill of Rights -- anti-LGBTQ bill (cosponsor)

      • LGBTQ Business Equal Credit Enforcement and Investment Act

      • Life at Conception Act, 2021 (co-sponsor, later withdrawn) -- grant legal personhood to fertilized eggs

    Voting Record: Supervisorial

    • 2020, approve law enforcement appreciation events on the heels of BLM protests

    • 2017, sole dissenting vote in funding for the County’s Human Relations Commission

    • 2017, voted to block release of report detailing an increase in hate crime and grant county supervisors the ability to directly control the commission’s staff

    Public Comments:

    • Tea Party meeting, 2014: Steel claims she withdrew her daughter from UC Santa Cruz after she began expressing interest in voting for Obama and supporting gay marriage

    • 2018: Public release regarding anti-sanctuary cities and states


    • BP industries -- oil and gas

    • AIPAC

    • UpFront Inc

    • Top industry: retired, at nearly $1M this cycle

    Ahmanson family, via Fieldstead & Company -- Ahmanson family has a history of funding anti-LGBTQ candidates and measures. Ahmanson Family Source 1, Source 2, Source 3

  • House of Representatives 45th District

    Summary: Limited 1st person pro-LGBTQ+ content, Multiple 3rd party pro-LGBTQ+ affiliations/endorsements

    General contact email:

    General contact number: 714-261-9738

    Campaign manager: Jacob Barr. LinkedIn

    Deputy campaign manager: Rachel Winningham. LinkedIn

    Committee email address: 


    Consumer Rights attorney and managing attorney at Feher Law, who focus on employment and personal injury law. Credits military with so much learning; joined at 18. “Beginning of service path.” Army reserves, active duty in 2003 Iraqi conflict, based in the US.


    Derek Tran’s platform has three main points:

    1. Abortion and women’s rights

    2. Investing in American workers and their families. Consumer rights. Inflation Reduction Act.

    3. Common sense gun reform

    Beyond a single post on Harvey Milk day (linked below), there is no explicit commentary on LGBTQ+ allyship. There is secondary support, via some of his endorsements and canvassing support. Combing through public comments also rendered no explicit pro-LGBTQ commentary.

    Explicit LGBTQ+ related:

    • IG Harvey Milk Day -- “we can never forget his sacrifice and must continue to build upon his legacy of advocacy against hate and discrimination”

    • No pride posts

    • Judy Chu campaign recently canvassed for Derek Tran. Judy Chu CA-CD 28 has a pro-LGBTQ voting record, including Yes on Equality Act (HR5) 

    • Adam Schiff supporting campaign. Schiff is vice-chair of Congressional LGBTQ+ Equality Caucus

    • Participated in event with Lavender Dems OC, April General Meeting. No content or follow-up found. Derek Tran does not follow them on social media.


    • Stonewall Democrats

    • Equality CA

    • Brady PAC

    • CA Federation of Teachers

    • Human Rights Campaign PAC

    • J-Street PAC

    • Planned Parenthood Action Fund

    • Reproductive Freedom For All

    • CADEM AAPI Caucus

    Public comments:

    • Ed Branding podcast. When talking about why run now, he says the district has not received representation. Cites that there has never been a Vietnamese representative from this district, which holds a large Vietnamese population. Also in this episode talked very positively about his experience in the military, including a regret of not serving full 20-year term. Learned about camaraderie. His why across all his experiences is a duty to serve.

    • Chamber of Commerce talk -- bipartisanship. Reduction in insulin costs, to benefit working class folks. Interested in diplomacy on the world stage, infrastructure investment, attention to veteran mental health. Housing crisis tied to mental health crisis, primary to affordable housing. Investing in social service providers. 100% pro choice

    Political Affiliations:

    • Social media accounts he follows:

      • PORAC -- Peace Officers Research Assoc. Of CA. Largest association representing CA law enforcement agencies.

      • Reproductive Freedom For All

      • Stonewall Dems

46th District, House of Representatives

59th District, CA State Assembly

67th District, CA State Assembly