Below you will find every single race that can be found in Williams Canyon, based on the cities covered by the respective agencies. Not all candidates may be on your ballot, but every candidate on your ballot will be here.

If you don’t see a race or a candidate on here that you expected to, it may be the seat is unopposed and not on the ballot.

Click the “+” next to each name to learn more about the candidates.

Williams Canyon

  • Candidate OUSD district 3

    Dan has no ballot statement, website or social media. 

    He is a manager for an aerospace company, according to his FPPC Form 700 found through the OC Registrar’s office.  However, he has not filed any campaign finances reflecting any donations. 

    He doesn’t have any endorsements that we could find, with the closest to an endorsement coming from far-right organization Reform California, who listed as their endorsement for this race: “Area 3: Not Ana Page”. 

    Excerpt taken from the Orange Juice Blog:

    “He’s the dad of rightwing scribbler Chris Nguyen. We know Chris! (Right) He used to run a dull, moribund Republican blog named OCPolitical – that is, until the Anaheim kleptocracy became aware of his talents and hired him to write their mendacious statements (and even made him a commissioner!) Thus, when I tried to recall Harry Sidhu, and later Jordan Brandman, my statements were responded to by identical, identically dishonest statements by Chris Nguyen. Shame, Chris – you can’t even write a statement for your Dad?”

    The OC Register asked Dan about his views on Forced Outing Policies. 

    OC Register: “California has a new law, set to go into effect in 2025, that prohibits districts from enforcing what’s been called parental notification policies, rules for school employees to contact parents if their child may be changing their gender identity. What do you see as the role of parents in education? Is there a limitation? (Please limit your answer to 200 words or less.)”

    Dan: “Parents should be, and need to be, involved in the education of their children. They need to encourage their students to work hard, try to do their best in all classes, pay attention to the materials being taught, be respectful of their teachers, etc. Parents need to work with teachers and schools, paying attention to the progress or lack of progress of their children.

    Regarding parental notification policies, if a child may be changing their gender identity, we tend to oversimplify this issue by having the policy (or law) either require or prohibit schools from notifying parents. A “blanket policy” will not work for all students and all families. This can be a very emotional challenge for a student and their parents. Some parents may be supportive, but some may also react very negatively to this. We need to be flexible, treating each case individually and with care. It’s unfair to force teachers or school administrators to become the enforcers of a blanket policy. It would be better to have a trained professional, such as a psychologist or psychiatrist, talk with the student, find out more how the student would feel talking to their parents, and then make a recommendation.”

  • candidate OUSD district 3

    Current OUSD board president

    Parent of current OUSD students

    OUSD graduate

    OUSD volunteer

    Expert in early childhood education and currently pursuing a PhD in education

    Former educator, preschool

    Life long OUSD resident

    Ana Page agreed to take the School Board Advocacy Pledge. 

    Very active school board member. Regularly visits OUSD schools and events 

    Ana is very supportive of LBGTQ+ students & families; Ana has been a panelist for Pride at the Pier’s Good Faith Conversation series, speaking both as an educational professional and as someone who has queer folks close to her in her life. 

    Forced outing policy vote - absent because she had to flee the meeting in fear for her safety just before the vote. Pride at the Pier was there at the meeting in question; a large number of extremist, anti-LGBTQ+ activists were screaming and yelling, creating a very threatening atmosphere.  There was significant security concern for the trustees who were not supportive of forced outing policies. 

    Supported the passing of AB1955. 

    Political platform 

    Balanced budget, fiscal responsibility, taxpayer protection ensuring resources flow into classrooms.

    Prioritize student safety and mental health 

    Upgrade and fix aging school facilities and campuses 

    Meet the diverse need of our community and provide essential services for parents, families, and all students


    ✅ Placed counselors at every elementary site

    ✅ Expanded career technical programs

    ✅ Augmented enriching after-school programs

    ✅ Developed an Asset Management Plan

    ✅ Facilitated an updated Student Bill of Rights


    Instagram: @presidentanapage

    Campaign Instagram: @page4ousd

    On her instagram, she posted an image that says “Protect Trans Youth”. 

    The OC Register asked Ana about her views on Forced Outing Policies. 

    OC Register: “California has a new law, set to go into effect in 2025, that prohibits districts from enforcing what’s been called parental notification policies, rules for school employees to contact parents if their child may be changing their gender identity. What do you see as the role of parents in education? Is there a limitation? (Please limit your answer to 200 words or less.)”

    Ana: “Parents play a crucial role in education by supporting their child’s learning and development, advocating for their needs, and partnering with educators to ensure their child’s success. They provide essential insights into their child’s background, strengths, and challenges, which can help tailor educational approaches and support.

    There are limitations to parental involvement, especially when it comes to sensitive issues like gender identity. While parents should be informed and involved in decisions that directly affect their child, it’s also important to respect students’ privacy and autonomy, particularly in situations where disclosure could lead to harm or distress.

    The new law aims to balance these concerns by preventing districts from enforcing parental notification policies regarding changes in gender identity. This approach recognizes that students may need a safe space to explore their identity without immediate pressure to disclose to their parents, especially if the home environment might not be supportive. Big government policies should not be one-size-fits-all solutions; parents should have the autonomy to make decisions in the best interest of their children rather than having government mandates dictate how they should parent. The role of parents in education is vital, but it must be balanced with respect for students’ rights and well-being.”

  • Candidate OUSD district 4

    Candidate, Orange County Water District District 2

    (Also, while we’re not covering this race - he’s running for U.S. President).

    Not much is known about him; he is a perennial candidate who shows up on ballots most election cycles. 

    No ballot statement for the OUSD or the OCWD races. 

    His rhetoric is far right sprinkled with a handful of left rhetoric. He is in favor of forced birthing policy and claims ‘Kamala supports abortions that kill babies’. Says ‘she is married to a Zionist Jew’. We are choosing not to promote these views by linking directly to his social media, but it can be found if you search for it. 

    When the attempt to recall Newsom took place he put his name into the hat for Governor. His old governor website says: “FUTURE POLITICAL GOAL: Democratic Political Party Nomination for President of the United States of America as a historical vote to be the First Latino President in the advancement of Racial Equity & Inclusion 2024.”

    Old website link:


    No public stance on the LBGTQ+ community, although he seems to lean into alt-right ideologies regarding several other demographics and issues.

  • candidate OUSD district 4

    Sara agreed to take the School Board Advocacy Pledge, saying, “Thank you for reaching out! I absolutely agree to the Advocacy Pledge in its entirety. As a public school educator for the past 34 years, and now as a school board member, I believe it is my duty to assure that ALL students have access to a safe, accepting, respectful learning environment, and the best education we can provide. I appreciate all Pride at the Pier does to advocate for every student”.

    Current OUSD school board member, appointed (post recall) running for the remaining term of Madison Miner

    35 years in education 

    Retired OUSD principal and teacher

    Degree in Elementary Education 

    Very active school board member. Visits schools and school events.

    Advocate for those without a voice, encouraging parents to become involved with the schools and speak out for their children

    Per our direct sources within the pro-LGBTQ+ OUSD Recall team that campaigned to oust Madison Miner and Rick Ledesma from the OUSD in March, “Sara is an ally and supports LGBTQ+ students”. 


    • Ensuring open and transparent communication with all stakeholders.

    • Improving facilities by wisely managing maintenance funds and fully developing an Asset Management Plan where the needs determine priority.

    • Fostering success of the innovative programs that make OUSD a destination district by providing proper supports for administrators and teachers.


    Instagram: @pellyforousd

    Campaign Instagram: @pellyforousd2024

    The OC Register asked Sara about her views on AB 1955.  

    OC Register: “California has a new law, set to go into effect in 2025, that prohibits districts from enforcing what’s been called parental notification policies, rules for school employees to contact parents if their child may be changing their gender identity. What do you see as the role of parents in education? Is there a limitation? (Please limit your answer to 200 words or less.)”

    Sara: “As a teacher and principal, I value every child as an individual, and one-size-fits-all all policies are in contradiction to the uniqueness of each child and family. Parent involvement is critical in the success of their child’s education. As a principal, I listened to parents’ concerns, and even when we didn’t agree, I made an effort to find common ground, which was the desire to do what was best for their child. Communication and collaboration are key elements in the partnership between schools and families, and that will always be a priority for me.”

  • Candidate OUSD district 7

    Former OUSD school board trustee 2004-2008 

    During his early campaigns, Rocco gained a reputation for having misled voters about being a “teacher.” Rocco does have an expired teaching credential, but our researchers cannot find any evidence of him actually being employed as a teacher anywhere. 

    As far as we can tell, Rocco won his election in 2004 largely in part because his ballot statement said he was a “teacher” while his opponent said he was a “park ranger.” 

    Tried to list himself as a “retired teacher/writer” on his 2024 designation but a private citizen challenged the designation and the ROV agreed and removed “teacher”. Private citizens are legally allowed to challenge designations on ballots for a limited time during candidate filings - this is a legal process that exists through the OC Registrar of Voters. 

    A source who was highly involved as a parent within OUSD during Rocco’s 2004-2008 term shared what she recalled of that time; “Rocco was deliberately disruptive and obstructive when he was a trustee. He voted “no” or abstained on every single vote, refused to attend closed session meetings - when he had the floor, he spoke of county-sanctioned plots and attempts to silence him; conspiracy theories involving county officials; the misuse of authority and his enemies list.  He demeaned other board members and refused to observe board protocols. He arrived early to meetings so he could place copies of his grievances on every seat in the audience, none of which had anything to do with the school district governance or its students. Wrote a book about “the partnership,” a cabal of powerful individuals he says runs the county and has tried to assassinate him.  …it took them a month to even find him after he won the election, no one could contact him”. 

    News articles from that period of time reflect this unusual behavior, as well; 

    Rocco Speech Prompts School Board Change - LA Times

    Mystery school board winner gets sworn in - Recordnet

    Judge dismisses suit by Orange schools trustee - LA Times

    Rocco in action with vintage cameos of Rick Ledesma and John Ortega

    Rocco does not have any social media, campaign websites, or campaign finances filed. 

    No one has endorsed Rocco. 

    It’s hard to tell if Rocco has any particular stance towards the LGBTQ+ community - it’s hard to tell what his stances are on any issues. 

  • Candidate OUSD district 7 

    Current OUSD school board member, appointed (post recall) running for the remaining term of Rick Ledesma

    27 years of experience as an educator

    Former OUSD teacher

    Met and married fellow teacher Sheryl at Orange High and married on campus under “the dome.”

    Distinguished Faculty in Residence at CSU Long Beach 

    Current parent of OUSD students

    OUSD resident

    Per our direct sources within the pro-LGBTQ+ OUSD Recall team that campaigned to oust Madison Miner and Rick Ledesma from the OUSD in March; “Dr. Stephen Glass is supportive of LBGTQ students and families”

    Stephen’s Platform Per His Campaign Website

    • Enhanced Curriculum & Educational Programs - Developing and expanding curriculum initiatives that cater to diverse student needs and interests, including advanced placement courses and career readiness programs

    • Fiscal Responsibility And Resource Allocation- Ensuring transparent and efficient management of educational resources to maximize student outcomes and support long-term sustainability in educational programs.

    • Technology Integration And Innovation -Leveraging technology to support personalized learning experiences, digital literacy, and innovative teaching methodologies.

    • Community Engagement And Partnership - Strengthening partnerships between schools, families, and community organizations to foster a collaborative approach to student success and well-being

    • (*not popular with our red base, sadly) Equity And Inclusion In Education- Implementing policies and programs that ensure equitable access to quality education for all students, regardless of background or socioeconomic status.

    • Teacher Support And Professional Development - Investing in ongoing training and professional development opportunities for educators to enhance teaching practices and student engagement.


    Instagram: @drglass4ousd

    The OC Register asked Stephen about his views on AB 1955, and the role of parents. 

    OC Register: “California has a new law, set to go into effect in 2025, that prohibits districts from enforcing what’s been called parental notification policies, rules for school employees to contact parents if their child may be changing their gender identity. What do you see as the role of parents in education? Is there a limitation? (Please limit your answer to 200 words or less.)”

    Stephen: “Parents are key to a child’s education, and their involvement should be respected. Schools also have a responsibility to ensure every student feels safe and valued. A balanced approach that fosters collaboration between parents and schools can protect student well-being while honoring parental roles. This ensures that all students thrive in an environment that respects their humanity and individual needs.”

Orange Unified School District