Below you will find every single race that can be found in Laguna Hills, based on the cities covered by the respective agencies. Not all candidates may be on your ballot, but every candidate on your ballot will be here.

If you don’t see a race or a candidate on here that you expected to, it may be the seat is unopposed and not on the ballot.

Click the “+” next to each name to learn more about the candidates.

Laguna Hills

  • Candidate

    Laguna Hills City Council, 2 seats at large


    In his candidate statement, Jared leans heavily on his family history within the region.  “I love Laguna Hills and have deep roots in our community. My greatgrandparents Lewis and Nellie Gail Moulton made their home in Laguna Hills – first arriving in 1874. Now, 150 years later, my wife and I are proud that our daughters are attending Laguna Hills public schools.”  Read the rest to hear about his business in Laguna. 

    You can find Jared’s campaign website here. Right on the front page, Jared says, “If elected, 100% of my Laguna Hills City Council salary will be donated to Laguna Hills based charities each year I'm in office. Non-profits are an important part of the fabric of our community and deserve support. My great-grandmother Nellie Gail Moulton taught me the importance of giving back. It's the right thing to do."  For context, Laguna Hills city council members receive a monthly stipend of $623.66. 

    Jared, who is the heir of the massive Moulton family fortune, also called himself a “farmer, rancher and businessowner working every day in Laguna Hills”.  We’re not sure where he’s doing any proper ranching, as he says in this LA Times article, “Lewis Moulton’s great-grandson, Jared Mathis, came back from a job back east to Laguna Hills to manage the family’s remaining holdings. A few years ago, he took his dad — who moved away in the 1970s — for a drive to look at the old ranch where he grew up. But his father couldn’t get his bearings. All the landmarks were gone, the hills terraced, new trees and houses blocked once wide views. “They say they moved more dirt building Aliso Viejo than they did digging the Panama Canal,” Mathis said.”

    Jared is the CEO of Moulton Company based on his artist great grandmother’s estates, manages the families holdings including property. He comes from a long line of conservative wealthy white landowners who built their fortune with land ‘reappropriated’ from Mexican landowners by the California territorial government. The Moulton family history that Jared highlights in his campaign is deeply tied into anti-LGBTQ+ legislative activism, such as the Briggs Initiative (the effort to ban queer folks from teaching in California - for our younger readers, this is one of the major story beats in the biopic of Harvey Milk that came out several years ago). It’s also filled with documented history of union-busting and anti-indigenous racism.   See here for more about the Moulton family’s place in Orange County conservatism over the last 150 years. 

    Since he is running on that family history, we feel it’s important to examine it. 

    Social Media: 

    Twitter (X)


    On Twitter (X), he follows: 

    Elon Musk

    Laverne Spicer

    Tomi Lahren

    Brent Bozell

    Joe Rogan

    Congressman Matt Gaetz

    Dennis Prager (of PragerU)

    Tucker Carlos


    Nancy's picks


    Tony Strickland

    Young Kim

    Orange County Professional Firefighters Association

    Association of Orange County Deputy Sheriffs

    Donald P. Wagner – Orange County Supervisor, 3rd District

    Mike Munzing – Mayor, Aliso Viejo City Council

    Dave Wheeler – Mayor, Laguna Hills City Council

    Many of the people and organizations that have endorsed Jared are anti-LGBTQ+

    Jared is running alongside fellow republican Don Caskey, supported By Todd Spitzer

  • Candidate

    Laguna Hills City Council, 2 seats at large

    You can find Neel’s candidate statement here.  In it, he prioritizes, “Honest Government: I pledge to refuse money from apartment developers and utilities”. 

    Neel agreed to take the Pride at the Pier Do No Harm Pledge, which entails; 

    1. Acknowledgement of the Separation of Church and State: Affirmation of the importance of maintaining a clear separation between religious beliefs and public policy.

    1. Open Dialogue with the LGBTQ+ Community: Commitment to seeking out and engaging in open and respectful dialogue with members of the LGBTQ+ community in your role.

    1. Prioritizing Safety, Dignity, and Equity: Pledge to prioritize the safety, dignity, and equity of all constituents, including marginalized communities.




    On his campaign website, Neel says, “I believe good leaders proactively seek out feedback since oftentimes residents don’t have the time to research who should be emailed or called about concerns.”

    If elected, Neel would be the youngest city councilmember in the city’s history. 

    The OC Register asked Neel a few questions.  In the article, he says, “Let’s focus on genuine commitment over politics. I’ve been actively involved in our city for years, attending and speaking at City Council meetings before running for office. (...) I value all of our diverse communities and neighborhoods. In fact, one of my campaign goals is to ensure that every neighborhood receives fair investment and equal representation at City Hall”.

  • Incumbent

    Laguna Hills City Council, 2 seats at large

    You can find Don’s candidate statement here.  In it, he says, “I am committed to no new

    taxes and maintaining local control of our town”. 


    On his campaign website, Don references his concerns about “Chilean gang elements” in Laguna Hills.  This is in line with language that OC District Attorney Todd Spitzer has used, but we can’t confirm the percentage of property crimes in Laguna Hills that have been committed by Chilean nationals (regardless of gang affiliation) or what percentage of Laguna Hills residents have been victims of burglary. 

    Social Media: 


    He shared a post with Republican Diane Dixon, who has consistently voted against reproductive rights and LGBTQ+ protections. He says they go “way back” and praises her work. 

    Don was previously appointed to City council. 


    Young Kim, Congresswoman

    Janet Nguyen, State Senator

    Diane Dixon, State Assemblywoman

    Matt Gunderson, Candidate for State Senate, 38th District

    Don Wagner, Orange County Supervisor 3rd District

    Mike Munzing, Council Member, City of Aliso Viejo

    Tony Beall, Council Member, City of Rancho Santa Margarita

    OC Taxpayers Association

    OC GOP

    Nancy’s Picks

    Many of his endorsements come from anti-LGBTQ+ people and organizations. 

    No notable lgbtq connection found

City Council Race

  • Candidate

    SVUSD Trustee Area 2 



    Endorsed by Moms For Liberty 

    Endorsed by Young Kim, OC Congresswoman who voted against codifying gay marriage and interracial marriage into law

    Endorsed by OC Education Superintendent, who has said that kindergarteners are being taught sex-ed in schools and then referenced anti-trans activist Brenda Lebsack when asked for evidence

    Endorsed by the 5 Trustees of the OC Board of Education, who have vowed to sue the state over AB 1955, The SAFETY Act that bans forced outing policies

    Endorsed by the OC GOP

    Endorsed by Nancy’s Pick’s

    Endorsed by Reform California

    He includes the anti-LGBTQ dog whistle “Parents Rights” as one of his campaign platforms

    Miller, who reportedly traveled to Amsterdam for a Televangelist Billy Graham conference earlier in his life, also used to be Mayor of San Jacinto City.

    He’s also currently the City Planning Commissioner in Laguna Hills

     He’s self-funding his campaign for this most part, with a loan to his campaign from his own funds of $25,000

    He’s spent over $13,500 on slate mail from two different alt-right-wing campaign orgs, CAL Voter Guide and Landslide Communications

    The OC Register asked Scott Miller about AB 1955 and the role of parents: “California has a new law, set to go into effect in 2025, that prohibits districts from enforcing what’s been called parental notification policies, rules for school employees to contact parents if their child may be changing their gender identity. What do you see as the role of parents in education? Is there a limitation? (Please limit your answer to 200 words or less.)”

    Miller: “Parents play a pivotal role in a child’s life, encompassing responsibilities such as raising, feeding, mentoring, guiding, and ensuring a quality education. Their involvement is fundamental to a child’s development and well-being. It is crucial that parental rights remain intact, as parents are not only responsible for their children but also have an obligation to stay informed about their child’s experiences and needs.

    Parents’ rights to oversee their child’s education and personal growth are essential for fostering a supportive and nurturing environment. This involvement helps ensure that children receive the guidance and resources they need to thrive. Respecting and preserving parental rights is vital to supporting family dynamics and empowering parents to fulfill their role effectively.”

  • Candidate

    SVUSD Trustee Area 2



    Endorsed by WAVE

    She is running with the slate of candidates for SVUSD, Amanda Morrel, Suzie Swartz, and Michele Sparks - these candidates are running opposite 3 overtly anti-LGBTQ+ candidates 

    One of her campaign posts on instagrams states that her goal is “supporting ALL students” (emphasis hers), which is language we often see with candidates who are more in tune with marginalized constituents. 

    Endorsed by the Saddleback Valley Educators Association, who have been canvassing and campaigning for her heavily throughout the election season.  They have been active and friendly with the causes of marginalized students in the district.

    Follows WAVE on Instagram, an organization that tends to endorse LGBTQ+ friendly candidates

    Per her website: “Michele believes that strong schools are integral to building and maintaining strong communities. They provide educational and economic benefits, foster social unity and cultural enrichment, and contribute to the overall health and stability of the community.” 

    “In 2024, California faces several challenges in hiring quality teachers, including a continued shortage of qualified educators due to retirements and lack of new teachers, the high cost of living in our area, the need for competitive salaries, high workloads and demands leading to burnout and attrition, and the demand for teachers capable of addressing diverse student needs, including mental well being, special education, and English language learners.”

    Has worked as a photographer and a teacher. 

    The OC Register asked Michele about AB 1955 and the parents’ role: “California has a new law, set to go into effect in 2025, that prohibits districts from enforcing what’s been called parental notification policies, rules for school employees to contact parents if their child may be changing their gender identity. What do you see as the role of parents in education? Is there a limitation? (Please limit your answer to 200 words or less.)”

    Sparks: “The question surrounding parental notification policies and gender identity is complex. Yes, parents are the most important resource in their students’ lives. Yes, there is a correlation between family involvement in education and a student’s well-being and success. Yes, our district should always encourage students to communicate with their parents regarding any changes they’re going through. Yes, our district should honor & respect parental rights to the fullest extent of the law.

    Questions we need to ask: What about the child who doesn’t have a loving, supportive home? What if a child is in danger of being abused? For students in unsupportive or unsafe home environments, disclosing personal matters could lead to abuse or homelessness. As a parent, I strive to create an environment where my children feel comfortable coming to me. However, if a child cannot do so, they need access to counseling and support. With teen suicide being a leading cause of death among youth, it is crucial that we provide necessary resources and ensure student safety while respecting parental rights and student needs.

    As a board member, I will prioritize the availability of counseling services while also ensuring that schools encourage students to communicate with their families.”

  • Candidate

    SVUSD Trustee Area 3


    Email: no email found

    Endorsed by Moms for America

    Endorsed by OC BOE Trustees

    Endorsed by OC Ed Superintendent Stephen Bean

    Endorsed by Reform California

    Endorsed by Nancy’s Pick’s, who says about her “MICHELLE O’BRIEN is a solid Conservative in every way, fiscal and social. Her goal for Saddleback Schools, is not only Academic Excellence, in a safe environment, but she also staunchly supports PARENTAL RIGHTS, TRANSPARENCY, ACCOUNTABILITY and SCHOOL CHOICE, that is, which ever best meets a child’s need and learning style.”

    Michelle’s campaign facebook has a number of posts with federal level politicians who have anti-LGBTQ stances, including Donald Trump, RFK Jr., and Ben Carson. 

    States on her campaign facebook that the updated Title IX changes, that include sexual orientation and gender identity, are ‘unconstitutional’, and suggests that children need to be protected from it. 

    Has endorsed Stefen Bean for OC Education Superintendent; Bean has a long history of anti-LGBTQ+ rhetoric and affiliations. She says about Bean, “I can't imagine anyone better to lead us.”

    Opposes AB 1955, saying about it, “State legislators are working day and night to remove parental rights. Nobody, I repeat Nobody can remove parental rights.” She also subscribes to Sonja Shaw’s newsletter - Sonja Shaw being one of the main figures in California anti-LGBTQ+ school board politics as president of Chino Valley USD. 

    She shared on her campaign website an instagram post from notorious anti-LGBTQ+ activist Nicole Pearson, where Pearson makes wild, conspiratorial, and unsubstantiated claims that California is trying to “trans your kids”, saying “Every child in the U.S. is in danger if @gavinnewsom signs#AB1955 into law. It is the last piece of the “trans-trafficking puzzle” making it so your child can be brought here EVEN AGAINST the lawful laws + orders + warrants of other states (#SB107), be exposed to inappropriate materials + ideas + relationships with strange adults w/o repercussion (#AB1955), checked into a “government residential shelter” w/o having to prove they have been abused or are in danger (#AB665) then have their records — name + sex + gender — completely wiped in secret (“under seal”) (#AB223).”

    Lists her top 2 priorities on her campaign literature as “school choice” and “parental rights” 

    Has a post on instagram thanking Liberty Justice Center, the far-right law firm that fights for anti-LGBTQ+ issues, for filing a lawsuit against the state over AB 1955.

    Shared a post from far-right, anti-LGBTQ+ organization Turning Point USA (affiliated with Calvary Chapel) on her instagram. The post from TPUSA says “If you stay silent in this war between right and wrong, your life might be easier, but your children’s lives won’t”.  O’Brien added the caption, “Children depend on us. Don't be silent.” 

    On her platform page on her campaign website she says, “Parents Rights: Parents/Guardians are the ones to make education and medical decisions for their children. Through love, Parents/Guardians nurture, comfort, and protect. They know what’s best for their child. Parents should have the right to opt out their child from subjects that go against their beliefs and values”.

    She commits on her website to “I’ll lead the efforts in working with board members and parents/guardians to create and implement a Parents Bill of Rights”. 

    Has a photo on her campaign website at a California Policy Center website - CPC is an extreme, far-right, anti-LGBTQ+ organization.  It’s the CA wing of the National Policy Center and is heavily affiliated with the Heritage Foundation.  She’s meeting Corey A. DeAngelis, author of “The Parent Revolution: Rescuing Your Kids from the Radicals Ruining Our Schools.” He’s also a board member of the California Policy Center.

  • Candidate

    SVUSD Trustee Area 3


    Email: request for email sent via website contact form

    Suzie agreed to take the School Board Advocacy Pledge, saying “I have always been and remain committed to keep our public schools a place where ALL our families and children feel welcome and safe. 

    I take the pledge and am committed to uphold principles of inclusivity, equity and respect including the five commitments outlined below.”

    Endorsed by Women in leadership

    Endorsed by the SVEA (local teachers’ union)

    Endorsed by California Retired Teachers Association Division 42

    Her instagram is followed by the Mission Viejo Pride account. 

    She is running with the slate of candidates for SVUSD, Amanda Morrel, Suzie Swartz, and Michele Sparks - these candidates are running opposite 3 overtly anti-LGBTQ+ candidates

    Her campaign site expresses, “As our public servant on the SVUSD Board of Education, Suzie always focuses on our children first to make our schools the place where all children feel safe, welcome and excited to learn.” (emphasis hers)

    Per the website: “In her role as a school board member, Suzie: Provides safe schools where all children feel welcome and excited to learn”

    The OC Register asked Swartz about AB 1955 and the parents’ role: “California has a new law, set to go into effect in 2025, that prohibits districts from enforcing what’s been called parental notification policies, rules for school employees to contact parents if their child may be changing their gender identity. What do you see as the role of parents in education? Is there a limitation? (Please limit your answer to 200 words or less.)”

    Swartz: “As a parent, I know our active involvement is critical in our children’s education. It sends a strong message that education is important and it has a strong correlation with children’s success and well-being.

    Parents’ partnership with their children’s school(s), at whatever level works for them, is key. There are many opportunities to be involved through connections with teachers, school staff, parent groups like PTA and boosters, which can also provide springboards for conversations at home.

    I’ve talked with many parents and staff on both sides of this new law. Even though it’s such a difficult, complex and heartfelt issue, there’s still a common thread: when we talk with our children often, pay close attention as they grow, and raise them to know that no matter what we love them and we’ll work through challenges together, then odds are our children will come to us.

    Should the situation arise, I will ensure that the student will always be encouraged to talk with their parents. Sadly, though, there are homes in our communities where child abuse takes place over issues of gender identity and these children must be protected.

    We will follow the law and always put the child’s welfare first”.

  • Candidate

    SVUSD Trustee Area 4



    Endorsed by SVEA (local teachers union)

    She is running with the slate of candidates for SVUSD, Amanda Morrel, Suzie Swartz, and Michele Sparks - these candidates are running opposite 3 overtly anti-LGBTQ+ candidates

    She says on her campaign website, “As your trustee I will put the needs and well-being of students first”

    “I will seize opportunities to reduce class sizes, ensure everyone’s right to safe, prejudice-free learning and work environments. I pledge to evaluate and improve our district’s culture.  “

    Under her “about me”, she includes; Vacation bible school volunteer.  Also “Her time volunteering in organizations serving youth has taught her to advocate on behalf of ALL students. She strives to listen, understand, analyze, problem solve, and govern though informed and thoughtful decisions. She has no ulterior motives and is willing to listen to and represent varying perspectives.”

    Has a very long list of involvement in SVUSD schools, which can be found here 

    The OC Register asked Amanda about AB 1955 and the parents’ role: “California has a new law, set to go into effect in 2025, that prohibits districts from enforcing what’s been called parental notification policies, rules for school employees to contact parents if their child may be changing their gender identity. What do you see as the role of parents in education? Is there a limitation? (Please limit your answer to 200 words or less.)”

    Morrell: “Parents play a critical role in every student’s education. Some are hands-on and others are not, but they need to be there for guidance, academic support, encouragement, to model positive behaviors, teach them how to problems solve and think for themselves, reinforce family values and ethics and make sure students remain physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually healthy. Ideally, parents have open lines of communication with their children and their teachers (who are partners in education) and unconditional love; unfortunately, that is not always the case, and, in those situations, students need strong trusting relationships with others in a place where they can feel safe to learn.”

  • Candidate

    SVUSD Trustee Area 4




    Endorsed by Moms For Liberty

    Endorsed by Reform California

    Endorsed by Nancy’s List

    Endorsed by Stefan Bean

    Endorsed by the OC BOE

    Endorsed by Don Wagner

    Endorsed by Young Kim

    He spent 13 years on the ministry team at GRACE COMMUNITY CHURCH OF SADDLEBACK VALLEY

    His campaign page highlights his plan to “Uphold Parental Authority”: “I firmly believe in upholding the constitutional right of parents to have decision-making authority over their children’s education. It is crucial that parents are fully informed and actively involved in all aspects of their students’ lives. By ensuring transparent communication and respecting parents’ rights to guide their children’s educational paths, we create a more accountable and supportive school environment that honors family values and choices.”

    He’s highlighted charter schools and homeschooling on his campaign site, a common theme in far-right takes on public education. “I recognize that every family’s needs are unique. By promoting a variety of educational options—public, charter, private, or home schooling—parents are empowered to select the best learning environment for their children. This commitment to choice ensures that our educational system caters to diverse student needs, fostering a more dynamic and adaptable community of learners.”

    His campaign has only received $2,000 in monetary donations

    Received $1,000 from Cross Psychological Care, Inc.

    Received $1,000 from Los Angeles Harbor Grain Terminal LLC

    Neither organizations are located in Orange County

    He’s also received a self-loan of $16,000 to round out a total funds raised level of $18,000

    From that $18k, he’s spent 4,509.34 on yard signs and door hangers

    The OC Register asked Michael about AB 1955 and the role of parents: “California has a new law, set to go into effect in 2025, that prohibits districts from enforcing what’s been called parental notification policies, rules for school employees to contact parents if their child may be changing their gender identity. What do you see as the role of parents in education? Is there a limitation? (Please limit your answer to 200 words or less.)”

    Michael: “I believe parents have a fundamental responsibility in their children’s development and education and should be recognized as the primary decision-makers in their upbringing. I fully acknowledge the importance of keeping parents informed about significant changes in their child’s life, including matters related to gender identity.

    Schools must prioritize providing a high-quality academic experience while actively involving parents in their child’s learning journey. Building trust between schools and parents is essential for achieving successful outcomes for both students and families. This collaboration empowers families to support their child’s growth and creates an environment where students can thrive academically and socially.

    While schools must provide a safe and supportive environment for all students, parental authority should be respected, and parents must be included in discussions that affect their children, as they are essential advocates for their well-being.”

Saddleback Valley Unified School District

  • Coming Soon

  • Coming Soon

  • Coming Soon

  • Coming Soon

  • Coming Soon

Moulton Niguel Water District