Below you will find every single race that can be found in Orange, based on the cities covered by the respective agencies. Not all candidates may be on your ballot, but every candidate on your ballot will be here.

If you don’t see a race or a candidate on here that you expected to, it may be the seat is unopposed and not on the ballot.

Click the “+” next to each name to learn more about the candidates.


  • Candidate OUSD district 3

    Dan has no ballot statement, website or social media. 

    He is a manager for an aerospace company, according to his FPPC Form 700 found through the OC Registrar’s office.  However, he has not filed any campaign finances reflecting any donations. 

    He doesn’t have any endorsements that we could find, with the closest to an endorsement coming from far-right organization Reform California, who listed as their endorsement for this race: “Area 3: Not Ana Page”. 

    Excerpt taken from the Orange Juice Blog:

    “He’s the dad of rightwing scribbler Chris Nguyen. We know Chris! (Right) He used to run a dull, moribund Republican blog named OCPolitical – that is, until the Anaheim kleptocracy became aware of his talents and hired him to write their mendacious statements (and even made him a commissioner!) Thus, when I tried to recall Harry Sidhu, and later Jordan Brandman, my statements were responded to by identical, identically dishonest statements by Chris Nguyen. Shame, Chris – you can’t even write a statement for your Dad?”

  • candidate OUSD district 3

    Current OUSD board president

    Parent of current OUSD students

    OUSD graduate

    OUSD volunteer

    Expert in early childhood education and currently pursuing a PhD in education

    Former educator, preschool

    Life long OUSD resident

    Ana Page agreed to take the School Board Advocacy Pledge. 

    Very active school board member. Regularly visits OUSD schools and events 

    Ana is very supportive of LBGTQ+ students & families; Ana has been a panelist for Pride at the Pier’s Good Faith Conversation series, speaking both as an educational professional and as someone who has queer folks close to her in her life. 

    Forced outing policy vote - absent because she had to flee the meeting in fear for her safety just before the vote. Pride at the Pier was there at the meeting in question; a large number of extremist, anti-LGBTQ+ activists were screaming and yelling, creating a very threatening atmosphere.  There was significant security concern for the trustees who were not supportive of forced outing policies. 

    Supported the passing of AB1955. 

    Political platform 

    Balanced budget, fiscal responsibility, taxpayer protection ensuring resources flow into classrooms.

    Prioritize student safety and mental health 

    Upgrade and fix aging school facilities and campuses 

    Meet the diverse need of our community and provide essential services for parents, families, and all students


    ✅ Placed counselors at every elementary site

    ✅ Expanded career technical programs

    ✅ Augmented enriching after-school programs

    ✅ Developed an Asset Management Plan

    ✅ Facilitated an updated Student Bill of Rights


    Instagram: @presidentanapage

    Campaign Instagram: @page4ousd

    On her instagram, she posted an image that says “Protect Trans Youth”. 

  • Candidate OUSD district 4

    Candidate, Orange County Water District District 2

    (Also, while we’re not covering this race - he’s running for U.S. President).

    Not much is known about him; he is a perennial candidate who shows up on ballots most election cycles. 

    No ballot statement for the OUSD or the OCWD races. 

    His rhetoric is far right sprinkled with a handful of left rhetoric. He is in favor of forced birthing policy and claims ‘Kamala supports abortions that kill babies’. Says ‘she is married to a Zionist Jew’. We are choosing not to promote these views by linking directly to his social media, but it can be found if you search for it. 

    When the attempt to recall Newsom took place he put his name into the hat for Governor. His old governor website says: “FUTURE POLITICAL GOAL: Democratic Political Party Nomination for President of the United States of America as a historical vote to be the First Latino President in the advancement of Racial Equity & Inclusion 2024.”

    Old website link:


    No public stance on the LBGTQ+ community, although he seems to lean into alt-right ideologies regarding several other demographics and issues. 

  • candidate OUSD district 4

    Sara agreed to take the School Board Advocacy Pledge, saying, “Thank you for reaching out! I absolutely agree to the Advocacy Pledge in its entirety. As a public school educator for the past 34 years, and now as a school board member, I believe it is my duty to assure that ALL students have access to a safe, accepting, respectful learning environment, and the best education we can provide. I appreciate all Pride at the Pier does to advocate for every student”.

    Current OUSD school board member, appointed (post recall) running for the remaining term of Madison Miner

    35 years in education 

    Retired OUSD principal and teacher

    Degree in Elementary Education 

    Very active school board member. Visits schools and school events.

    Advocate for those without a voice, encouraging parents to become involved with the schools and speak out for their children

    Per our direct sources within the pro-LGBTQ+ OUSD Recall team that campaigned to oust Madison Miner and Rick Ledesma from the OUSD in March, “Sara is an ally and supports LGBTQ+ students”. 


    • Ensuring open and transparent communication with all stakeholders.

    • Improving facilities by wisely managing maintenance funds and fully developing an Asset Management Plan where the needs determine priority.

    • Fostering success of the innovative programs that make OUSD a destination district by providing proper supports for administrators and teachers.


    Instagram: @pellyforousd

    Campaign Instagram: @pellyforousd2024

  • Candidate OUSD district 7

    Former OUSD school board trustee 2004-2008 

    During his early campaigns, Rocco gained a reputation for having misled voters about being a “teacher.” Rocco does have an expired teaching credential, but our researchers cannot find any evidence of him actually being employed as a teacher anywhere. 

    As far as we can tell, Rocco won his election in 2004 largely in part because his ballot statement said he was a “teacher” while his opponent said he was a “park ranger.” 

    Tried to list himself as a “retired teacher/writer” on his 2024 designation but a private citizen challenged the designation and the ROV agreed and removed “teacher”. Private citizens are legally allowed to challenge designations on ballots for a limited time during candidate filings - this is a legal process that exists through the OC Registrar of Voters. 

    A source who was highly involved as a parent within OUSD during Rocco’s 2004-2008 term shared what she recalled of that time; “Rocco was deliberately disruptive and obstructive when he was a trustee. He voted “no” or abstained on every single vote, refused to attend closed session meetings - when he had the floor, he spoke of county-sanctioned plots and attempts to silence him; conspiracy theories involving county officials; the misuse of authority and his enemies list.  He demeaned other board members and refused to observe board protocols. He arrived early to meetings so he could place copies of his grievances on every seat in the audience, none of which had anything to do with the school district governance or its students. Wrote a book about “the partnership,” a cabal of powerful individuals he says runs the county and has tried to assassinate him.  …it took them a month to even find him after he won the election, no one could contact him”. 

    News articles from that period of time reflect this unusual behavior, as well; 

    Rocco Speech Prompts School Board Change - LA Times

    Mystery school board winner gets sworn in - Recordnet

    Judge dismisses suit by Orange schools trustee - LA Times

    Rocco in action with vintage cameos of Rick Ledesma and John Ortega

    Rocco does not have any social media, campaign websites, or campaign finances filed. 

    No one has endorsed Rocco. 

    It’s hard to tell if Rocco has any particular stance towards the LGBTQ+ community - it’s hard to tell what his stances are on any issues.

  • Candidate OUSD district 7 

    Current OUSD school board member, appointed (post recall) running for the remaining term of Rick Ledesma

    27 years of experience as an educator

    Former OUSD teacher

    Met and married fellow teacher Sheryl at Orange High and married on campus under “the dome.”

    Distinguished Faculty in Residence at CSU Long Beach 

    Current parent of OUSD students

    OUSD resident

    Per our direct sources within the pro-LGBTQ+ OUSD Recall team that campaigned to oust Madison Miner and Rick Ledesma from the OUSD in March; “Dr. Stephen Glass is supportive of LBGTQ students and families”

    Stephen’s Platform Per His Campaign Website

    • Enhanced Curriculum & Educational Programs - Developing and expanding curriculum initiatives that cater to diverse student needs and interests, including advanced placement courses and career readiness programs

    • Fiscal Responsibility And Resource Allocation- Ensuring transparent and efficient management of educational resources to maximize student outcomes and support long-term sustainability in educational programs.

    • Technology Integration And Innovation -Leveraging technology to support personalized learning experiences, digital literacy, and innovative teaching methodologies.

    • Community Engagement And Partnership - Strengthening partnerships between schools, families, and community organizations to foster a collaborative approach to student success and well-being

    • (*not popular with our red base, sadly) Equity And Inclusion In Education- Implementing policies and programs that ensure equitable access to quality education for all students, regardless of background or socioeconomic status.

    • Teacher Support And Professional Development - Investing in ongoing training and professional development opportunities for educators to enhance teaching practices and student engagement.


    Instagram: @drglass4ousd

City Treasurer

Orange Unified School District

Rancho Santiago Community College District

  • Candidate for Rancho Santiago Community College Board

    District Area 3

    BE AWARE: Ceci Iglesias is the founder of the “Parents’ Union” at the California Policy Center. The CPC is a very well-funded and organized, extreme anti-public education, anti-LGBTQ+ organization. They’ve been heavily involved in anti-LGBTQ+ legislative and litigation efforts across California.  The “Parents’ Union’ is a group that works to train far-right individuals to get further involved in local politics. 

    Ceci Iglesias is involved at an Executive level in anti-LGBTQ+ efforts. 

    Personal Website: [


    Find Ceci’s 2020 Santa Ana Mayoral Candidacy Campaign Website here

    “I will work with all residents, schools, churches, nonprofits and businesses to make Santa Ana vibrant again.“

    Ceci does not seem to have a campaign website for the Rancho Santiago CCD race. 

    You can find her Candidate Statement here

    “With your vote, together we can move our students’ College Education forward and make the Santa Ana Community College Experience Great Again!!

    Social Media: 

    Personal Facebook

    Political Facebook:

    Instagram: NONE FOUND

    Twitter: NONE FOUND

    Endorsed by: 

    (PAST ENDORSEMENT:) Cecilia Iglesias for Orange County supervisor: Endorsement” - OC REGISTER (for 2022 Endorsement for OC Board Of Supervisors – no 2024 endorsement)

    “Cecilia Iglesias is the best choice of the bunch [to represent the majority-Latino Second District of the Orange County Board of Supervisors], with her long record of speaking truth to power.”

    NEW SANTA ANA - “Sal Tinajero opts out of his college board seat and endorses Ceci Iglesias” 

    “Sal Tinajero, the President of the Rancho Santiago Community College District, has opted not to run for reelection in the upcoming November General Election, and has endorsed former Santa Ana City Councilwoman and former SAUSD School Board Member Ceci Iglesias for his college board seat. This is a bit surprising as Tinajero is a liberal Democrat and Iglesias is a Republican. However they have known each other for years and both served on the SAUSD School Board together.” 


    Follow the Money: 

    As of 9.21.2024, Ceci had raised $12,996.00. However, she did not report the individual donations in her reporting - this is an unusual situation.  While we can’t confirm, it /appears/ that she just excluded those pages from her filings.  We aren’t able to advise who her campaign donors are.

  • Candidate for Rancho Santiago Community College Board

    District Area 3

    Campaign Website:

    “After the Marine Corps I graduated UC Irvine and then law school where I volunteered in the Immigrant Justice Clinic representing Special Immigrant Juveniles fleeing persecution. (…) Law School made me one of the 43 million Americans shouldering the student loans that are part and parcel of the American dream.“

    Find his Candidate Statement here:

    “Our community is impacted by problems such as stagnant wages and economic uncertainty. Our community colleges are the pathway to so many family firsts. I have benefited from the

    affordability of a community college and we need to make sure that they remain affordable.”

    Social Media: 

    Personal Facebook

    Political Facebook:


    Twitter: NONE FOUND


    On instagram, this candidate follows: 

    Endorsed by: 

    • Orange County Democrats:

    • Orange County Young Democrats:

    • Planned Parenthood Action Fund of Orange and San Bernardino Counties

    • LA/OC Building Trades

    • Western State Regional Council of Carpenters

    • Avelino Valencia - Assemblymember

    • Tom Daly - Former Assemblymember

    • Valerie Amezcua - Santa Ana Mayor

    • Thai Viet Phan - Santa Ana Mayor Pro Tem 

    • Phil Bacerra - Santa Ana Councilmember

    • David Penaloza - Santa Ana Councilmember

    • Kim Nguyen-Penaloza - Garden Grove Councilmember

    • Jon Dumitru - City of Orange Councilmember

    • Danny Vega - Police Oversight Commissioner 

    • Zeke Hernandez - RSCCD Trustee

    • John Palacio - Former SAUSD Trustee

    • Denise Reynoso - SAUSD Teacher

    • Carl Benninger - Santa Ana Planning Commissioner


    “In 2022, Bacerra’s campaign contributed to Andrew Linares’ failed school board campaign. Linares later became Bacerra’s aide.”

    Follow the Money: 

    In Sep 2024, Linares’ campaign received $1000 from Bacerra for City Council

  • Candidate for Rancho Santiago Community College Board

    District Area 3

    Campaign Website:

    “I advocate for affordable and high-quality college education to equip students to compete for high-wage jobs.”

    Nelida endorsed Lloyd Boucher-Reyes for SAUSD.  Boucher-Reyes is openly anti-LGBTQ. 

    Candidate Statement:

    “I aim to inspire our K-12 and adult students to pursue college and career education, providing the tools for them to achieve professions that offer living wages and optimal working conditions.”

    Social Media (clickable links):

    Personal Facebook

    Old Political Facebook




    Old LinkedIn

    Nelida supported a Recall of Ceci Iglesias, a far-right Santa Ana City Council member.  The Recall was successful, and Nelida was chosen to replace her

    On instagram, this candidate follows: 

    ***Mendoza isn’t following anyone on IG. 

    Endorsed by: 


    Santa Ana welcomes replacement City Council Member Nelida Mendoza” - NEW SANTA ANA

    “Councilmember Mendoza was appointed as a Commissioner on the City of Santa Ana’s Environmental and Transportation Advisory Commission (ETAC) by then-Councilmember Claudia Alvarez, and as the Chairperson for the Community Redevelopment and Housing Commission.”

    “Noncitizens would be allowed to vote in Santa Ana under November ballot measure” - ABC 7:”

    “We have not heard back from former Santa Ana councilmember Nelida Mendoza who authored the argument against Measure DD, [which would allow any person who has established residency in that city to vote in local elections, regardless of citizenship status - as long as the person meets California's other voting requirements].

    On the ballot Mendoza's statement reads in part: ‘This would cost the city $10 million, leading to massive budget cuts in public safety, emergency services, and other city priorities. ... We support our immigrant residents and Santa Ana is a vibrant city rich in the traditions of immigrant communities, families, and businesses. But we must assess the importance of protecting neighborhoods, cleaning and fixing our streets, and picking up trash.’”

    Follow the Money: 

    • Aug 2024 - $4000 from Committee to Elect Nelida Mendoza For City Council 2026

  • Coming Soon

  • Coming Soon

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  • Coming Soon

  • Coming Soon

  • Coming Soon

Serrano Water District

Irvine Ranch Water District

  • Coming Soon

  • Coming Soon

  • Coming Soon

East Orange County Water District

  • Coming Soon

  • Coming Soon

Orange County Water District

  • Coming Soon

  • Candidate OUSD district 4

    Candidate, Orange County Water District District 2

    (Also, while we’re not covering this race - he’s running for U.S. President).

    Not much is known about him; he is a perennial candidate who shows up on ballots most election cycles. 

    No ballot statement for the OUSD or the OCWD races. 

    His rhetoric is far right sprinkled with a handful of left rhetoric. He is in favor of forced birthing policy and claims ‘Kamala supports abortions that kill babies’. Says ‘she is married to a Zionist Jew’. We are choosing not to promote these views by linking directly to his social media, but it can be found if you search for it. 

    When the attempt to recall Newsom took place he put his name into the hat for Governor. His old governor website says: “FUTURE POLITICAL GOAL: Democratic Political Party Nomination for President of the United States of America as a historical vote to be the First Latino President in the advancement of Racial Equity & Inclusion 2024.”

    Old website link:


    No public stance on the LBGTQ+ community, although he seems to lean into alt-right ideologies regarding several other demographics and issues.

  • Coming Soon

  • Coming Soon

  • Coming Soon

  • Coming Soon

  • Coming Soon

  • Coming Soon

Municipal Water District of Orange County

  • Municipal Water District of Orange County

    District 4

    Campaign Website:

    “Using Water Efficiently Should Be Our Way Of Life!”

    Candidate Statement:

    “I hope to extend my 40+ years of service to the water industry for the benefit of all Orange County water users. As lead engineer for 37 years at MWDOC, I worked successfully with every

    water provider in Orange County.”

    Social Media: 

    Personal Facebook:

    Political Facebook:


    Twitter: NONE FOUND


    On instagram, this candidate follows: 

    Endorsed by: 

    • Robert McVicker, Director, Municipal Water District of Orange County

    • Megan Yoo Schneider, Director Municipal Water District of Orange County

    • Joan Finnegan, Former Director Municipal Water District of Orange County

    • Larry Dick, Director Municipal Water District of Orange County

    • Al Nederhood, Director, Municipal Water District of Orange County

    • Randall Crane, Director, Municipal Water District of Orange County

    • Sat Tamaribuchi, Former Director Municipal Water District of Orange County

    • Susan Hinman, Former Director, Municipal Water District of Orange County

    • Scott Goldman, Director, South Coast Water District

    • Doug Erdman, Director, South Coast Water District

    • Bill Green, Director, South Coast Water District

    • Rick Erkeneff, Director, South Coast Water District

    • Dennis Erdman, Director, Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, former Director, South Coast Water District

    • Fred Jung, Fullerton Council Member, Director Metropolitan Water District of Southern California

    • Stephen Faessel, Anaheim Council Member, Director Metropolitan Water District of Southern California

    • Michael Gaskins, Director, El Toro Water District

    • Mark Monin, Director, El Toro Water District

    • Fred Adjarian, Director, El Toro Water District

    • Betty Olson, Director, Santa Margarita Water District

    • Saundra Jacobs, Director, Santa Margarita Water District

    • Chuck Gibson, Director, Santa Margarita Water District

    • Stephen Dopudja, Director Trabuco Canyon Water District

    • Ed Mandich, Director, Trabuco Canyon Water District

    • Glenn Acosta, Director, Trabuco Canyon Water District

    • Doug Reinhart, Director, Irvine Ranch Water District

    • Steve LaMar, Director, Irvine Ranch Water District

    • John Withers, Director, Irvine Ranch Water District

    • Peer Swan, Director, Irvine Ranch Water District

    • Jim Atkinson, Director, Director, Mesa Water

    • Marice H. Depasquale, Director, Mesa Water

    • Bill Moorehead, Director, Moulton Niguel Water District

    • Sherry Wanninger, Director, Moulton Niguel Water District

    • Adam Ereth, candidate for City of Costa Mesa Council Division 1

    • Chuck Gibson, Director, Santa Margarita Water District

    • Saundra Jacobs, Director, Santa Margarita Water District

    • Betty Olson, Director, Santa Margarita Water District

    • Laura Freese, Director, Santa Margarita Water District

    • Mike Scheafer, Director, Costa Mesa Sanitary District

    • Bob Ooten, Director, Costa Mesa Sanitary District

    • John Stephens, Mayor, Costa Mesa

    • Arlis Reynolds, Council Member, Costa Mesa

    • Manuel Chavez, Council Member, Costa Mesa

    • Jeff Harlan, Council Member, Costa Mesa

    • Dan Kalmick, Council Member, Huntington Beach

    • Natalie Moeser, Council Member, Huntington Beach

    • Rhonda Bolton, Council Member, Huntington Beach

    • Nathan Steele, Council Member, Seal Beach

    • Joe Kalmick, Council Member, Seal Beach

    • Thomas Moore, Council Member, Seal Beach

    • Oscar Rodriguez, Planning Commissioner, Huntington Beach

    • Geoff West, Bubbling Cauldron


    Seckel does not seem to have replied to the LAist’s candidate questionnaire

    Follow the Money: 


  • Municipal Water District of Orange County

    District 4

    Campaign Website:

    Candidate Statement:

    “Vote for Pano Frousiakis for a fresh perspective and dedicated leadership in water management!”  Read it in full at the link above. 

    Social Media: 

    Personal Facebook:

    Political Facebook:

    Political Instagram:

    Personal Instagram:

    Political Twitter:


    On Instagram, this candidate follows: 

    On Twitter, this candidate follows:

    His campaign social media posts include:

    • Photo of Frousiakis shaking hands and smiling with Former Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy: 

    • Photo of Frousiakis shaking hands with an unknown man in front of a huge “Take America Back” Trump flag:

    • Photo of Froukiakis’s truck, which he calls the “Panomobile,” festooned with copies of his own campaign sign alongside a prominently placed Trump 2024 campaign sign

    In May 2023, he responded to HB Councilwoman Moser’s agenda item in public comment.  For full context, the HB City Council has an invocation before every meeting.  There used to be a process with the HB interfaith community wherein different faiths would be represented via a rotating invocation speaker from within the established interfaith council, and there was no favor shown to any single faith practice.  When the current council majority was elected at the end of 2022, they did away with this practice, and for the last two years only Christianity has been reflected in the invocation.  Councilwoman Moser, in an attempt to ensure the council was not giving unfair credence to any one faith, put forth an agenda item suggesting that there instead be a moment of silence, rather than a dedication to a single faith. 

    Pano spoke on this matter, saying “I’m really troubled by this new agenda item that’s come out (...) that is seeking to fundamentally remove our invocation from our meeting, and is a time-old tradition of our city council, and to replace it with a moment of silence.  Well, there’s a couple things I want to go over here.  First of all, the tradition that we’ve had in our community of having an invocation - that’s really emblematic of the unity that our community has.  When it comes to all the different faith backgrounds, when it comes to all the different, um speakers, and different religious figures who have come before here - it’s not just been Christians, it’s been many different faith backgrounds. And so, for us to have an item on the agenda that’s been proposed by a member on this council that very soon, most likely, is going to be trying to seek your votes for the next election - it undermines the very unity that it represents in our community.  Which is for us to respect each others’ faiths and convictions. It’s not possible to be able to just say, hey, we’re just going to have you pray in your room, and that’s all you need - I mean, that’s a really dangerous form of logic right there. Because you can say, oh, you can have all the constitutional rights you want in your bedroom - well, thank you so much for giving me the right to have rights in my bedroom, I really do appreciate that, but we need to be able to have the rights to be able to express ourselves, and our faiths, in a public forum.  And a moment of silence just isn’t going to do that. (...) And so really the question I have to pose to Councilwoman Moser regarding this item is, is it really about inclusivity? Your item?  You know, it seems to me to be a guise of neutrality that’s really covering a form of discrimination, which is the discrimination against our people of faith. Because many residents in our community have told me, especially of the Christian faith, but of all faith backgrounds, have said, we’re concerned that our rights are being trampled on and that we’re not being heard, based on this agenda item. So, given that information, I just want to say that we as a community should be upholding the traditions that unite us.  And so remember - with progress, progress is not about discarding our values.  Progress is about upholding the values that allow us to best serve our community.” 

    Endorsed by: 

    Nancy’s Picks (conservative-leaning):

    Scott Baugh


    Patriots for Freedom PAC

    “I am proud to also have the endorsement of the Republican Party of Orange County, Lincoln Club, California Republican Assembly, and Reform California.”


    In a July 2021 OC Register article, Pano was photographed sitting next to Gracey Van Der Mark, prior to her 2022 election to the council, at a city council meeting.  He reacts in a negatively shocked expression at then Mayor-Pro-Tem Delgleize stating that she would support the appointment of Rhonda Bolton to City Council to replace Tito Ortiz, who stepped down. In the photo, he wears a shirt emblazoned with a ‘Gracey for City Council’ message; Van Der Mark had also interviewed for the role and was hoping for the appointment. 

    According to this Calmatters article, Pano founded the local group, HB Patriots. The website defines the group as “HB Patriots is a 501c4 political organization dedicated to uniting Conservatives in Huntington Beach, CA. Our focus is on endorsing local candidates and actively participating in the city's politics. As a networking organization, we bring together individuals who share a common vision of promoting conservative values and principles. Join us and be part of a community that works towards a common goal of advancing conservatism in Huntington Beach”.

    The article references Pano, saying, “Though he’s happy with the overall direction of the council, Frousiakis concedes that “the past few months have been getting a little bit off-track.” He established a political organization this year, the HB Patriots, and is running again for city council in 2024 with a message about getting back to local quality-of-life issues.  “Unfortunately, I feel that our residents get sidelined as a result of that. I feel sidelined as a resident,” he said. “The other issues that are being talked about, that’s why I vote for president.”

    Follow the Money: 

    • Aug 2024 - $3000 from Paula Prizio, Chairwoman of Next Gen, the youth program of the Republican Party of Orange County

    • July 2024 - $500 from Ledsam Contracting Incorporated

  • Municipal Water District of Orange County

    District 6

    Campaign Website: 

    “I am passionate and committed to the proportional and equitable distribution of water to our diverse economic and cultural communities, always considering the environmental benefits and risks.“

    Candidate Statement:

    “I will advocate for: Transparency in planning for climate change challenges of reliable water supply imports. Fair distribution and sustainable supply of safe and clean water for all of Orange County.” Read the statement in full at the link above. 

    Social Media: 

    Facebook: NONE FOUND

    Instagram: NONE FOUND

    Twitter: NONE FOUND

    On instagram, this candidate follows: 


    Endorsed by: 

    Josh Newman

    Dave Min

    Canyon Democrats

    Iranian American Democrats of California

    Orange County Democrats - 

    Orange County Young Democrats - 

    Planned Parenthood Action Fund of Orange and San Bernardino Counties

    Women for American Values and Ethics (WAVE) - 


    Gomez did not reply to the LAist candidate questionnaire. 

    Follow the Money: 

    • Jul 2024 - $500 from Canyon Democrats

    • Sep 2024 - $500 from Cottie-Petrie Norris for Assembly 2024

    • Sep 2024 - $500 from Planned Parenthood of Orange and San Bernardino Counties

  • Municipal Water District of Orange County

    District 6

    Campaign Website: NONE FOUND

    Personal Website:

    Candidate Statement:

    “As an advocate for small businesses, start-ups, and disadvantaged communities, Pramod understands the importance of ensuring that all voices are heard and represented.”  

    Read the full statement in full at the link above. 

    Social Media: 

    Personal Facebook:

    Professional Facebook:


    Personal Twitter:


    YouTube Channel:

    On instagram, this candidate follows: 

    Kamala Harris -

    Tulsi Gabbard -

    Irvine Neighbors -

    Endorsed by: 

    None Found


    None Found

    Pramod did not reply to the LAist candidate questionnaire 

    Follow the Money: 


  • Municipal Water District of Orange County

    District 6

    Campaign Website: NONE FOUND,but you can view his bio here.

    Candidate Statement:

    “I am a staunch advocate for transparency in public records and have tirelessly fought against conflicts of interest in the water community. I will continue to oppose special interests in Orange County that seek to shift costs to you.” You can read the statement in full at the link above. 

    Social Media: 


    Instagram: NONE FOUND

    Twitter: NONE FOUND


    On instagram, this candidate follows: 


    ***However, on his facebook page he does follow Austin Lumbard, the Mayor of Tustin.  You can see Lumbard’s affiliations on his instagram page, here

    Endorsed by: 

    OC GOP

    Nancy’s Picks (conservative-leaning):

    Orange Juice Blog (liberal-leaning):


    “Election: Water District Candidates Discuss the Issues” - SAN CLEMENTE TIMES

    “Advocating for transparency with public records and fighting conflicts of interest in the water community have been priorities since I first took office. I will continue the battle against special interests in Orange County who are seeking to shift costs to others.”

    Follow the Money: 

    NO DONATIONS LISTED, but he made numerous  loans to his own campaign