We share calls to action whenever there are things happening in Orange County political spaces (or occasionally, state legislature that directly impacts Orange County) that affect the LGBTQ+ community here.

As a 501c3, we will never endorse for or against any partisan political candidate - but agenda items on city council or school board meetings, comments on actions taken by elected officials, local municipal measures, etc, are all some of the things that we will share information on and encourage folks to engage with. We’ll also share information about our partners in these spaces who are looking for volunteers.

Follow us on social media to see calls to action!

In these virtual access workshops, we focus on a different topic within political engagement and civic systems, and work with guest speakers and curriculum partners to educate our community on those topics, and help them build the skills needed to get involved directly in these systems.

This is a great opportunity to not only learn about how to get involved in our local political environment to create powerful change, but to also meet like-minded individuals and build a community that attendees can call on for help
when the need arises.

Want to join the next workshop? Sign up for our newsletter, or follow us on social media to hear about the next one!

Presenting our 2024 “Good Faith Conversations”, a series providing the general orange county community and respectful allies a chance to learn firsthand from trans and nonbinary folks. This event series is hosted by the Orange County interfaith community, and will cover a broad expanse of the orange county.

This is an opportunity to listen to personal stories AND ask uncomfortable questions in good faith. This is an opportunity to break down barriers, build bridges, and ignite positive change through personal stories and open dialogue.

Are you a faith leader in Orange County? Contact us at prideatthepier@gmail.com to ask about collaboration!